On most Saturdays I wake up early and eat breakfast at Our Ladyof the Lake Hospital.
I don’t know anyone there, they just have a pretty cheap meal,and I like the way they stake pancakes — they have a certainarchitectural brilliance to it … I can’t really explain it.
I told this to a friend, and she said it was morbid. I said itwas country biscuits and white gravy.
I don’t care who’s cryin’ or dyin’ or prayin’, I’m eatin’; anddamn good too for just 4 dollars and 32 cents.
The only bad thing is the cafeteria there doesn’t have a smokingsection.
I hate restaurants that forget to add a smoking section.
Anywho, a couple of my friends want to try and set me up on adate.
I’m not a huge fan of the whole “set up” thing.
This is how it normally starts. I really hot girl friend of minewill say, “Oh my god, you’re so the best guy. I’d date you if Iwasn’t completely in love with that guy who cheated on me andborrowed a 150 bucks from me last week to go gambling with hisfriends. I’m gonna set you up.”
Please don’t.
I’m actually perfectly happy paying for just my dinner.
And isn’t that a bitch!
So I’ll buy you dinner, and then you’ll say goodnight and nevercall me again — it’s a win win.
Chances are I didn’t have the greatest time myself, but I’ll benice and call you the next day to thank you for your company, orI’ll just leave a voice mail because you didn’t answer your phone,and all of a sudden I’m the guy who couldn’t get over you.
So you replace my name in your phone book with “do not answer”,and I’ll forever be a conversation piece every time someone scrollsthrough your list of names.
Thanks. I had a great time, and you were well worth the 50dollars.
I think I’ve written about this before.
Ah well. This is the last cuff of the summer, I’m wearing aHawaiian shirt, and I couldn’t care less.
So I guess I’ll see you in the fall, or what I like to call”four weeks from now.”
Although, chances are I won’t really see you, because this isprint media.
You won’t really see me either, so there will be no more “seeingof each other from now on.”
I’ll write to you later … peace
Oh yeah, don’t forget to use the word “chode.” It’s a goodone.
Off the Cuff
By Jay Melder
July 22, 2004