Reports have shown that Louisiana students may not be preparedadequately for college.
A report by the National Center for Public Policy and HigherEducation, “Measuring Up,” graded states in different areas,including preparation for college and college affordability.
According to their Web site, Measuring Up provides the publicand policy-makers with information to evaluate and improvesecondary education in each state.
Joe Savoie, Louisiana commissioner of higher education, saidMeasuring Up is not an evaluation of colleges and universities andtheir performances, but an evaluation of state policies that affectthe ability of citizens to attend and complete college.
Louisiana did not fare well in any of the areas of the report,receiving “Fs” in preparation and affordability.
Daphne Borromeo, assistant to the vice president forcommunications at the National Center for Public Policy and HigherEducation, said every state provided the organization with theinformation they used for the report.
The report gave Louisiana an “F” in preparation because thenumber of 18 to 24-year-old students who have completed high schoolis only 84 percent, compared to 94 percent in the top states. Thereport also notes that Louisiana is the only other state besidesNew Mexico to receive that grade.
Savoie said Louisiana was not the only state to receive an “F.”Two-thirds of the states reviewed also received a failing grade,and no states received an “A.”
The reason Louisiana’s score is so low is because the reporttakes the average score of the five highest states to determinewhat an “A” is, then bases everything else off of that, Savoiesaid.
Savoie said it is important to realize that although Louisianareceived the lowest possible score in preparation, the state stillis improving overall.
“The report recognized that we are improving, but unless we passup the other states, our grades will never improve,” Savoiesaid.
The report said 125 out of 1,000 high school graduates score inthe top 20 percent on the SAT and ACT, compared to 227 of 1,000 inother parts of the country.
Savoie said Louisiana has the highest percentage of theirstudents enrolled in private or parochial college-prepatoryschools, and the report only includes public schools.
Students who attended school in Louisiana do not feel that theywere unprepared for college.
“I was very prepared for all of my classes,” said Jami Comeaux,a biology and chemistry sophomore. “My teachers were all certifiedand definitely prepared me for college.”
Katie Brown, a nursing sophomore, said her high school alsoadequately prepared her for college.
“I haven’t had any trouble with my studies so far,” Brownsaid.
Louisiana also received an “F” in affordability.
Savoie said the report looks at state investments in need-basedfinancial aid. Since TOPS is merit-based, meaning students have toearn it, the money is not included in the report.
“The report is not a balanced assessment because one-fourth ofour TOPS participants qualify for financial aid,” Savoie said.
Savoie said if TOPS was included in the report, Louisiana wouldreceive a much higher grade.
He said Louisiana’s college tuition rates are comparatively lowbecause the state’s average household income is low.
Savoie said this is the third time the the report has come out.He said he has been involved with the National Center for PublicPolicy and Higher Education since it first started.
He said the state uses some of their analysis as criticism. Forexample, when the report stated Louisiana’s need for certifiedteachers, the state changed their certification process. They nowrequire teachers to have a major in the subject they teach.
“The problem with our score is that we are starting so farbehind the other states, but the report recognizes that we aremaking significant improvements,” Savoie said.
He said Louisiana has improved in most areas of the report andwill continue to do so in the future.
“Louisiana needs to to focus on other areas of concern like thehigh school dropout rate,” Savoie said. “We need to continue toimprove the education system.”
La. fails to ‘measure up’ in college preparation
September 23, 2004