The Booty brothers are no strangers to the LSU community. Eachmade headlines at Evangel High School of Shreveport contributing tothe impressive football championship runs that ended last season.Josh and Abram Booty both continued their athletic careers at LSU.Abram joined the team in 1997 as a wide reciever and played threeyears before leaving LSU. Josh did not join until the 1999 seasonafter giving up his professional baseball career with the Marlins,who he signed with out of high school.
Both brothers continue to be huge Tiger fans, but with thesigning of younger brother John David to USC the brothers havebecome torn between the co-national champions. With John David incollege, many believe the high-school Booty era to be complete.But, there is one more brother who has just entered high school,Jack, who continues to work with his brothers to become anaccomplished athlete. We caught up with Josh Booty to fill you inon his years after LSU and his future plans. He also catches us upwith his brothers’ whereabouts as well.
Tabby Soignier: Tell us what you are doing now and what yourfuture plans are.
Josh Booty: I’m a free agent in the NFL, looking for aspot on a current
roster, and I play lots of golf. I work as the head talentconsultant for my
agent Dave Dunn [Athletes First] out of Newport Beach,California.
TS: Having played at LSU and having a brother play at USC youmust
have had the best of both worlds last year. Can you elaborate onthis?
JB: I was really hoping they would of played in the BCSchampionship
game: USC vs. LSU. Oklahoma didn’t deserve it.
JB: I really like both to be quite honest with you. I know a lotof the guys at USC and LSU.
TS: Do you have a national championship shirt for bothschools?
JB: I have a USC shirt, but the equipment guys at LSU need tosend me one from LSU.
TS: Can you update us on your brothers?
JB: Abram is an offensive coordinator at a new school inShreveport (Calvary Baptist) with our dad. He is really going to dowell there. John David is a backup to Matt Leinart at USC and Jackis a starting free safety on the same Calvary High School teamAbram and my dad coach at. Jack is just a freshman, I believe hewill be a quarterback in college.
TS: Out of high school you were the first-round pick of theFlorida Marlins. How tough was it to make the decision to give thatpart of your life up to return to football?
JB: I wanted to play football with Abram and throw it to mybrother. We are really tight.
TS: What advice would you give to young kids today coming outof
high school having to make a decision between signing a procontract or going to college?
JB: You better be signing for a lot of money to give up on anopportunity to play big time college ball.
TS: With so many demands on your time in college, how did youbalance it
between football and academics?
JB: I had Dr. Karam, he helped me figure it all out.
TS: How special was it to have your dad coach you in highschool? What were some pros and cons?
JB: No cons, all pros. My dad was awesome. He can coach thequarterback position.
TS: Growing up in such an athletic family and you being theoldest
do you get a lot of calls for advice from your brothers?
JB: Sure, I played a lot of big brother. I helped John Davidfind his college of choice : USC.
TS: Is your younger brother Jack following in your and JohnDavid’s footsteps as a quarterback or Abram’s as a widereceiver?
JB: Jack can do both and he does both.
TS: What is one thing while at LSU that you enjoyed doingbesides
JB: Hanging with my wife, Rachel.
TS: What is the best sports moment you had while playingfootball
at LSU?
JB: Throwing two touchdowns to Abram in the Ole Miss game.
Q&A With Soignier
September 29, 2004