Pennington Biomedical Research Center isworking on a wonder drug to combat diabetes.
The federal government recently gave theLSU School of Veterinary Medicine a $10 million grant to build agroundbreaking research center.
Calenge Corporation is making strides instem cell research that harvests cells from placentas in an attemptto find a cure for Sickle cell anemia.
The Chamber of Greater Baton Rouge,along with city and state officials, say this is only the beginningof advancements researchers are making in Baton Rouge.
But, Chamber Board Chairman BillBenedetto said nobody knows about it.
”There is a lot going on here, with LSU,Southern and Pennington.” Benedetto said. “The story is not gettingaround the country.”
So, the chamber hired internationalpublic relations firm Fleishman-Hilliard for $150,000 in earlyAugust to get Baton Rouge’s story around the world.
Benedetto said The Chamber hired aconsultant from St. Francisville, La. to find public relationsfirms who have experience getting positive news stories in nationalpublications such as The Wall Street Journal and The WashingtonPost.
Benedetto said the consultant developeda list and the chamber selected the best.
But, hiring the best may not be a goodenough reason for local public relations firms who wanted thejob.
Benedetto said some local firmscriticized the chamber’s decision, saying they should have hired alocal firm.
”If there had been a local firm thatcould do what we need done, we would have hired them,” Benedettosaid.
He said the project is too specializedfor a general public relations firm.
”[The local firms] wanted to be hired sothey could contract someone else,” Benedetto said. “I don’t thinkthat’s the way to do business.”
Benedetto also said that after heexplained these reasons to the firms and other concerned citizens,they understood the chamber’s reasoning.
Public relations and advertisingprofessor Richard Nelson said he understands the advantages ofselecting a national firm over a local one.
”Every city has a story to tell, butunless [the city] has people who know how to tell it, they have aproblem,” Nelson said.
Nelson said Louisiana has some goodpublic relations firms, but they are small and generally do notspecialize in what The Chamber may need.
Nelson cited Austin, TX, a city BatonRouge officials commonly look to for guidance, as an example of acity that has been successful communicating their message.
Sarah Tiede, vice-president ofcommunications at Austin’s Chamber of Commerce, said the cityrecently hired public relations firm, TateAustin, a local firm thatspecializes in economic development, to help create 72,000 new jobsin the city in five years.
Tiede said they selected TateAustinbecause they are affiliated with a national firm, but still canunderstand the business climate locally.
”We thought we were getting the best ofboth worlds,” Tiede said.
Baton Rouge hires national PR firm
August 26, 2004