In the column “We’re ashamed of LSU’s leadership,” it is disappointing the Reveille chose to levy unsubstantiated accusations at the LSU administration rather than engage in a fact-based discussion of a critical time in LSU history.
Across the United States today higher education is being challenged as never before by changing demands and needs of students, technology-driven innovation, and a growing affordability crisis. LSU must adapt and this topic deserves accurate reporting.
The Reveille criticized Dr. Jenkins for not including a student “on the group of people making the most important decisions about the university in decades.” The Transition Advisory Team will not make the decisions about re-organization. The Board of Supervisors will make those decisions. That Board includes a student representative. This was in the email the Reveille critiqued, but the Reveille did not include that information.
The Reveille criticized Dr. Jenkins for describing Transition Team members as “independent and critical thinkers,” and assumes students are not considered such by the administration. Dr. Jenkins’ letter first described the members as “individuals who have broad experience in transforming organizations.” The Reveille did not include that information.
Dr. Jenkins has said students will be appointed to subcommittees that will provide the critical information for the Transition Team to assess and communicate to the Board. The Reveille said of the subcommittees “We guarantee it won’t influence the actual Transition Advisory Team.” The Reveille presented no supporting facts to back up this bold prediction of the future.
The Reveille poses a theory about Student Life leaders, asking the question whether “somebody put a gag order on them.” It would be better if the Reveille actually asked that question of someone before tossing it — and phrases like “closed-door policy” and “web of lies” — to its readers to provoke emotion without supporting information.
The Reveille has a responsibility to accurately inform its readers. You are right — you should not let go of this one. This re-organization is a big story and one that will change LSU for generations.
This part is also accurate: LSU students “are young, smart, talented, enthusiastic people with more to give back to this University than you can possibly imagine.” The Reveille has a rich history of reporting news and framing issues for the LSU community. The Reveille leadership should exercise responsible news gathering practices and report and express opinions on this issue based on complete and factual information.