Grade: 70/100
When “Metro 2033” was originally released in 2010, it took many gamers by surprise with its unique story about post apocalyptic Russia and its intense stealth focused combat.
In 2013, the sequel to “Metro 2033”, titled “Metro: Last Light” was released. The sequel was praised for its technical improvements and bold atmosphere.
Now, as we enter a new generation of gaming, publisher Deep Silver has gifted next gen gamers with the release of both games for PS4 and Xbox One in a bundle titled “Metro Redux”. But is the re-release of these two cult games truly a gift, or is it just another curse to be set upon our wallets?
From a technical standpoint, both games have been overhauled to run on next gen systems, however the true standout amongst the two games comes with the re-release of the first game of the series, “Metro 2033.”
To fans that have played the original game, the “Redux” version of “Metro 2033” will seem like an entirely new experience. This is because “Metro 2033” was rebuilt with the superior “Metro: Last Light” engine. Human and monster character models have been upgraded and the lighting and shading mechanics have been greatly improved.
The bugs and glitches that plagued “Metro 2033” have also been improved thanks to a little bit of game engine tweaking by developer 4A Games. Metro 2033 also adds new gameplay additions such as new weapons and attachments and new collectables for fans the hunt down.
As for the “Redux” version of “Metro: Last Light”, there isn’t much to comment on. Seeing that the game was only released last year, there hasn’t really been much of an upgrade despite slightly improved graphics and the addition of all DLC packs unlocked right out of the box.
For gamers who have never experienced the “Metro” series of games prior to the release of “Metro Redux”, then this bundle is an easy recommendation, especially considering you will be getting two fantastic games for only $50.
But, if you have played these games before when they originally released, then I can’t say there is a good enough reason for you to go out and re-purchase this bundle. The improvements to both games are nice, but they aren’t enough to warrant purchasing them in a bundled form.
Despite this fact, I can recommend digitally buying the “Redux” version of “Metro 2033” on the Playstation Network or Xbox live(Both “Metro 2033” and “Metro: Last Light” can be purchased individually on console marketplaces).
Even if you have played the original game, the fantastic mechanical and visual improvements should be enough to make you want to traverse the eerie, deadly tunnels of the metro all over again.
REVIEW: Metro Redux
September 3, 2014
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