I would like to start off by saying how deeply disappointed I am Technician would print such a column. The level of hypocrisy in the debunking stereotypes column is truly staggering.
Jon Lewis defends the general college student stereotype by pinning the blame on other college student stereotypes. “…the people responsible (for being slobs) are the average sheltered freshmen.” Not only are his accusations unproven and possibly slanderous, it also contradicts his statement “Just like everyone else in the world, I don’t like people assuming anything about my character.”
I was extremely disappointed in this, which is just the first point in his column. His second point on drinking is what infuriated me the most. In the “who’s to blame section,” Jon Lewis attacks and defames the fraternal institution based on a stereotype. “…the frat crowd ties to pass itself off as a decent bunch of human beings. However it has been well documented people of this ilk are really all about partying and drinking things…” “…these people should be shipped off to an isolated island…”
Being a proud member of a greek organization, I find this highly offensive and am curious who signed the okay on this column that deliberately attacks eight percent of the male students and 10 percent of the female students on campus. This libel against the greek life is extremely offensive and is similar to the messages in the vandalism that occurred at the GBLT center.
As the written voice of the student body, I am disappointed in Technician for allowing columns attacking student groups. This is why it should come to no surprise that I am demanding a public apology from Jon Lewis, as well as a retraction of the article in question.
Emerson Moorhead
sophomore, computer science