Students have the option of mailing their absentee ballots through the Tiger Card Office for free this presidential election.”This is a big presidential election, and we thought of trying to advertise to let students know they would have a free revenue,” said Kim Roberts, University Auxiliary Services marketing coordinator.Roberts said a student worker came up with idea to encourage students to exercise their right to vote.Registration deadlines have passed, but absentee ballots can be picked up and mailed through the Tiger Card Office until Nov. 3.To apply for an absentee ballot, students must have voted in their parish in a previous election. In the past weeks, the Tiger Card Office has mailed 110 voter registration cards and more than 10 absentee ballots, Roberts said.The Tiger Card Office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Contact Leslie Presnall at [email protected]
Tiger Card Office assists with absentee voting, offers free mailing – 12:40 p.m.
October 14, 2008