After watching thousands of fans filing out of Carter-Finley Stadium Saturday, even though the game still had 10 minutes left in the first half, I realized that the concept of the blowout is one of the biggest oddities in sports. During a blowout, such as the one on Saturday, N.C. State fans were filing out of the stadium so fast you would have thought they were being chased by a pack of wolves. The concept that you should leave if your team starts to play too well and dominates the opponent is ridiculous, and the students, fans and alumni should be ashamed of the way the stadium looked at half time.
I mean, think about what I just said; it is crazy to think about. Basically, when a team dominates a football game in all aspects of the game and builds a huge lead, it’s so-called diehard fans leave the game because they are winning so bad. It is ridiculous.
I know, I know, it was a blowout to begin with, and it was only Murray State, but as N.C. State fans, we should take pride in showing support for our football team, especially when it is winning. Put yourself in the players’ shoes. How do you think the team feels out on the field when a player looks up into the stands after scoring a touchdown and instead of looking at thousands of loud screaming fans dressed in red, they are looking at empty bleachers?
It seems so hypocritical of the fan base to leave like it did during these games. They have no problem complaining about the lack of winning over the past years of N.C. State football, but when we actually do start to play well, such as in this game, they leave.
I understand that the game was boring and was never even close, and I even understand fans leaving around the third quarter. But with the exception of the Student Wolfpack Club section and some of the students in sections seven and eight, every other section in the entire stadium was well over half empty before the first half had even ended. I mean, come on, get your money’s worth.
I know the idea of getting back outside to start more drinking and partying and getting totally wasted sounds enticing, but realize why we have tailgates and what their purpose is. The tailgates are there to allow fans to hang out with other fans, to socialize, to eat, to drink, all while getting ready for the game, but it is not the reason fans should come out; it’s about the football game. Fans have time to tailgate before the game, and come game time, that should be enough and they should focus on being at the game and cheering on their team the entire time.
I am not asking for much; I only ask that the students, fans, alumni, whoever, postpone their partying and tailgating after the game for just a little bit longer and actually stay for all four quarters. For them to show their support for the team not only when they win a close game, but when they win the blowout, or even lose the blowout. For you to show your support for N.C. State, no matter what, and show the rest of the nation why we are some of the best fans around.