President Trump’s executive order bans Syrian refugees from entering the US and suspends refugee admissions for 120 days. This order blocks citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the country for 90 days.
As a result, of this protests have erupted in airports all throughout the nation including JFK in New York City.
Today, LSU students against this travel ban decided it was their turn to make their voice heard. They came together for a, “Walk out” at 11:00 where they left their classes to join together as one to stand in solidarity.
Chants of, “No justice no peace” echoed through out the LSU quad as hundreds of students gathered with their posters covered in messages expressing their emotions.
The event had many speakers including the coordinator grad student, Melinda Gonzalez.
“Just imagine it for one moment that all of the doors of prosperity and success and education were closed on you just because your skin color just because of what you call your god” Said Gonzales
Supporters of the ban were present, though some did not agree with the remarks of the students the event stayed very peaceful and calm. Students continued to state that this event was of peace.
The students closed the event with a prayer that was recited in Arabic then translated to English in honor of the immigrants affected by this ban.
LSU students stand in solidarity against the recent travel ban
February 1, 2017
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