The Facts:Incoming freshmen will receive an AllCampus card with added features, including an extra magnetic strip, to facilitate additional uses.
Our Opinion:The new cards are a great step in the right direction. But for them to achieve their potential, the new AllCampus cards must include all students — a four-year integration period seems excessive.Older siblings are accustomed to the old story of the younger sibling getting the extra attention and nurturing from momma and papa. Strangely, students’ big brother, the University, will let this story ring true with the incoming freshmen in regard to AllCampus cards.The student identification cards are becoming obsolete technology. The little pieces of plastic serve students well, but have the potential to be so much more for a growing and diversifying campus. Thankfully though, the University realizes this, and incoming freshmen will be issued the new and improved AllCampus card, which can open doors and hold new information.What about older students? Apparently, the cost-to-benefit analysis doesn’t support giving them the cards yet. It is logical in the sense that older students are unlikely to live on campus, but why not push for more? Door-access technology has incredible potential to really change the way students interact with the campus.The University’s upgrade is certainly warranted, enabling the University to control access to buildings with card swipes and allowing seamless access to WolfCopy accounts. But, again, why not push for more?For people taking labs at 7 p.m., upgraded cards could block building entry to all students except those in the lab section — significantly upgrading security. Dormitories would also benefit by preventing “stalkers” from getting access to preying grounds.The problem is that these AllCampus cards will not become wholly effective tools for the University until all students have them. Since classes are mostly a blend of students from different years, buildings for late-night labs will still need to be unlocked for the older students. Renting out items for class will still need to be checked out and verified the old fashioned way to allow all students the same access. The whole benefit of having advanced cards will be completely negated if anyone past their first year needs the doors unlocked.The AllCampus card needs to truly be for the entire campus, taking advantage of its potential and ability to benefit students in all years, regardless of whether they live on- or off-campus.