Dear [Reveille staff writer] Grace [Montgomery],I wanted to write you a quick letter to let you know that I am completely offended by your article titled, “SEPARATED AT BIRTH?” in Thursday’s issue of “The Daily Reveille.” For the life of me, I cannot believe how you were able to see the slightest comparison between John McCain and myself.Although I greatly respect Senator McCain for his services to our country, I strongly believe that I am much better looking than him. Not to mention, I am about 30 years younger than he is and still in the prime of my strikingly handsome appearance. I would agree with all of the other Doppelgangers you displayed in your article except for John McCain and I, but especially Les Miles and Kurt Russell! Come on…matching up Les Miles with Kurt Russell is truly a slap in the face to Kurt. Although they are closer in age than John McCain and I, Kurt Russell’s good looks run circles around “The Hat.”Personally, I feel you could have chosen a much better Doppelganger to pair me up with in your article. I’m sure that if you would have taken a poll from the wonderful people of the LSU campus, about 90 percent of the student and faculty would have said that I look exactly like the actor, Brad Pitt, when he starred in the movie, “Troy.” If you watch the movie closely, you will see that Brad and I have the same physique as well as an eerily similar facial features which would have made for a perfect Doppelganger of us. Some have even used the phrase “spitting image” when comparing Brad and myself.Grace, of course this letter is all in good fun. Just so you know, I am not offended at all by the article or photos. I actually think the entire article is pretty humorous.Paul D. Mainieri LSU Head Baseball Coach
Paul Mainieri responds to doppelgänger article
February 9, 2010