I simply wanted to make the suggestion of writing an article about the newly renovated N.C. State Student Health’s Physical Therapy Unit within the Student Health Center. Unfortunately, there are not many students who actually know about the great services it offers, which is amazingly cheaper too. I had the chance to work as a student volunteer and observer this entire semester and loved it. It was an eye-opening experience for me, as a future medical school student, and I just wanted to advocate for students to take advantage of the awesome healthcare right at their very own fingertips. The new space in which the Physical Therapy Unit is currently located is much larger, more efficient in treatment, and can accommodate any patient dealing with mild back pain, from carrying a oversized book bag, to a complete ACL reconstruction post-surgery.
This was an wonderful experience for me, as a student volunteer and as a recent athlete of a shoulder dislocation, and I simply wanted to let the rest of the student population know about the health care they have which is so close to them, they can even receive treatment in between classes, convenient, right? Samantha Smith Senior, chemistry