I find it odd that two fellow students chose to criticize government overreach as it relates to national and state budget issues, particularly given that they attend a public university. We receive a college education at a reduced cost because of government programs. Moreover, if we choose to agree with the individualistic achievement mentality critics frequently believe in, then funding affordable education for all is essential for any allegedly meritocratic society.
As to the issue of Planned Parenthood, why focus on a minute portion of the budget? Why not instead consider how to solve issues related to health care costs and Social Security? This represents the bulk of government spending and is in large part due not to waste in government, but demographics. Populations with large portions of older individuals need to spend more on retirement support and health care costs, which are out of control due to the commodification of health and the rush of people seeking to turn a profit.
Regardless, it is rather odd that people fail to see what the government provides for them—especially given what the government has provided for large companies responsible for our current economic doldrums, in the form of tax breaks and rescue funds in the past three years. Paul McCauley graduate student, sociology