The Student Government Senate meeting Wednesday brewed with questions about the spending tactics of J Hudson, SG president.
Sen. Zac Lemoine, Manship School of Mass Communication, grilled Hudson about his funding for the basketball bus trip and funding for Groovin’ on the Grounds. Lemoine asked if Hudson thought spending $8,000 for 40 students to attend the basketball bus trip was reasonable in light of other expenses SG could cover.
“Do I believe that’s too expensive? Yes I do,” Hudson said. “But we were already in the process. There was no going back. As leaders, we have to honor our commitment to students.”
The SG executive branch athletics staff announced at Wednesday’s meeting a baseball pep rally will occur on April 28 for the LSU-Kentucky game. The game will air on ESPN, and SG is going to ask if ESPN will also cover the pep rally.
Brandon Briggs, SG director of athletics, said the SG baseball bus trip will be to the LSU-Tulane game in New Orleans on April 5.
Dani Borel, SG vice president, reported she met with Todd Jeansonne, assistant director of athletic facilities and grounds, who agreed to pay student organizations for baseball cleanup like organizations that are paid for stadium cleanup after football games. Organizations will need 10 people for baseball cleanup, which will start this semester.
The SG Senate passed a resolution to “urge and request the administration of LSU to support reformation of the [Programming Support and Initiatives Fund] and [Organization Relief Fund] funding committees.” Sen. Cody Wells, University Center for Advising and Counseling, has been advocating this merger for years and has joined with members of the executive branch to streamline the funding process.
“It’s going to be student controlled, but we’re going to have the necessary faculty and staff members on there,” said Sen. Chris Sellers, College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
The Senate also passed a resolution to congratulate the Golden Girls and Tiger Girls on their Chinese New Year’s performance.
Contact Andrea Gallo at [email protected]
Hudson addresses spending tactics
February 17, 2011