I disagree with Chelsey Francis’ assertion in the Monday edition of Technician that the use of mind-altering substances as study aids should be considered as cheating. While she specifically targets the frequently prescribed Adderall, there are numerous prescription and non-prescription stimulants currently in use around the globe by students and professionals in every walk of life. Over-the- counter products in any pharmacy section include No-Doz(R) and Vivarin(R), and both contain caffeine as their primary ingredient. For those who are not pill-poppers, coffee and tea are easy and cheap standbys, while hyper-caffeinated drinks such as Red Bull(R), Monster(R), and energy shots (5-hour Energy(R), et al) are sold everywhere.
Furthermore, how should authorities draw the line between a student who possesses a prescription for a stimulant and simply reaps the benefits of the side effect of insomnia and an unauthorized use of the same substance? I do not condone, nor do I participate in, the use of prescription drugs as study aids, but I do understand the desperation that comes when procrastination is no longer an option. A better solution is to manage your time wisely over the semester, and not wait until “Dead Week” to begin serious studying.