Four pairs of candidates are vying for Student Government president and vice president, and each pair has several issues they plan to tackle should they be elected. Absentee voting is Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and the general election is Wednesday, April 2 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Students also will vote on a referendum to increase the Union fee.
President: Jay Buller — Economics junior, second-term senator, speaker of Student Senate
Vice President: Robert Lay — Accounting sophomore, first-term senator, vice-chair of Student Fee Oversight Committee, vice-chair of Senate finance committee
Slogan: Impact LSU
SG as a student advocate
-Move the student body to impact the University’s decision-making process
– Coordinate with student organizations to lobby the administration to address student concerns: Examples are giving students more time to move
into dorms, continuing student fee reform, monitoring privatization of student services and protecting the “W” and drop dates.
Campus outreach
– Poll students for concerns and ideas about what SG should be doing for them and take action.
Big name concerts
– Use current resources to bring big name acts to our campus.
– Develop innovative ideas to lure these acts.
Legislative task force
– Appoint a team of students to track important state legislation.
– Keep SG, student leaders and the student body informed.
– Publish records of key votes.
– Conduct campaigns to register students to vote; provide better voter education.
– Lobby legislators concerning key legislation and votes.
Off-campus safety initiatives
– Focus on safety concerns at apartment complexes and neighborhoods near LSU.
– Create a directory of major complexes near campus and list what safety features these complexes offer and do not offer.
– Use this information to pressure complexes to increase safety features.
– Organize neighborhood watches in neighborhoods near campus.
Reconstruction of SG rules
-Sift through the Constitution, Bylaws, Election Code and Rules of Court.
-Fix the many contradictions and problems in governing documents.
-Propose a comprehensive set of revisions to students next spring.
President: Travis LeBlanc — Construction management senior
Vice President: J. Ben Edmonds — General studies senior
Slogan: We won’t do much, and we’re honest about it. None of the same ridiculous promises.
American flags
– Make sure an American flag is placed in every classroom on the University campus.
– Create an on-campus recycling program by throwing away cans, bottles and papers, people are also throwing away hundreds of dollars each week that can be directed toward LSU students.
Student voice
– Set up a direct e-mail response system for students to voice their opinions, offer suggestions and ask questions.
– Each e-mail sent to [email protected] will be met with a reply.
Student vote
– Formulate a bill giving the student body and not SG the right to vote on 70 percent of all the issues to be erected during the upcoming semester in an open election.
President: Allen Richey — Political science junior, SG Executive Assistant
Vice President: Jason Wesley — Finance junior, second-term senator, chairman of Senate finance committee
Slogan: Empower LSU
Women’s Center and AACC
– Maintain the autonomy of the Women’s Center and African American Cultural Center.
– Save the programming and provide them with facilities if their current facilities are not maintained.
International Expo
– Expand the International Expo into a week of activities involving more cultures and highlighting a different culture each day.
“Chats with the Chancellor”
– Bring together the chancellor and students by starting “Chats with the Chancellor,” weekly forums with the chancellor which will be open to all students.
Scholarship Database
– Form an accurate database of scholarship information and make it available to all students.
Disability Access
– Make sure disability access on campus continues to improve.
Renew campus traditions
– Bring back the traditional freshman pajama party to extend a welcome to incoming freshmen.
Improve campus health
– Improve the University health services by starting a hotline where students can call in and ask for health advice.
– Address other campus health issues, such as providing feminine product dispensers in women’s rest rooms.
1,000-seat classroom support
– Expand the support system for the 1,000-seat classroom in the Academic Center for Student Athletes by keeping the faculty and administration accountable to providing enough care for students.
President: Kyle Wilkinson — ISDS junior, SG Director of Special Projects
Vice President: Danny Rockwell — Mass communication junior and SG Director of Public Relations
Slogan: Real Issues. Real Results.
“Eye of the Tiger” Neighborhood Watch
– Develop an “Eye of the Tiger” neighborhood watch system where students are hired to become pro-active participants by driving their vehicles around campus at night and notifying police of suspicious activity on campus.
Automatic Alert Scheduling Program
– Initiate an “Automatic Alert Scheduling Program,” which automatically will place students on a waiting list if the class they are trying to schedule is full.
– Students automatically will be alerted when an opening arises and their spot will be held to provide the opportunity to schedule the class.
Taking On The Master Plan
– Accommodate all student needs regarding the Master Plan, while maintaining the campus’ current “oaks and arches” trademark.
– Many vital campus resources, including several Greek houses, the African American Cultural Center, Women’s Center and the Hill Farm, will be removed according to the current Master Plan.
“Tiger Trolley”
– Help students get to classes quickly and in a more efficient manner by overhauling the entire University’s transportation system and by using new transportation vehicles that provide easy passenger loading and faster route times.
Classroom Zoning
– Work with the University Registrar’s Office to arrange classes so they are more closely placed in relation to students’ respective major and college.
Work for a more secure campus
– Improve campus lighting and increase the number of lights.
– Switch to brighter, white lights instead of the current dim copper lights.
– Add more call boxes and improve the existing ones.
Student Voice
– Increase academic funding for the University through new lobbying initiatives in the state legislature.
SG candidates impart visions
March 24, 2003