Last week, part 1 of the mass – building tips discussed consuming enough calories in your diet and some weight training tips as key factors towards building muscle. Many of the calories you consume should be derived from the intake of protein. Protein is essential to repair worn muscles from the heavy workouts and to build back stronger and larger muscle. Protein performs these tasks by providing the necessary amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, for muscle building and repair.
A very convenient way to ensure that you get enough protein in your diet is to make use of protein shakes. Typically, you would want to find a protein powder that has a high concentration of protein, preferably whey, with minimal quantities of saturated fat and sugar. A general guideline on protein intake is to try to consume at least one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.
Eating more fat is another important component to building muscle mass. Fat helps the body produce hormones which will lead to increases in muscle growth and strength. Research has shown that an increase in fat consumption leads to an increase in testosterone levels. Not eating enough fat in your diet, on the other hand, has shown to cause a decrease in testosterone production. Eating more fat, however, does not mean eating more saturated fats. Consuming too many saturated fats can cause heart disease and coronary problems as well as gain body fat. The better fats for you to eat are the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Some of these unsaturated fats are known as essential fatty acids which are responsible for many functions in the body. Consuming fatty acids will not only increase testosterone levels but also help in the prevention of catabolism, or muscle breakdown, and increase good cholesterol (HDL) levels. Nuts, olive oil, and fish, for example, are sources of unsaturated fats. A flaxseed oil supplement is often a good idea to take in order to increase your intake of unsaturated fats.
Because of the higher amount of calories you will be eating, you should eat more often during the day. Eating more often will cause your meals to be smaller in amount and therefore fewer calories, which means a greater percentage of the calories absorbed and less stored as fat. Eating every two to three hours is ideal, especially for muscle building. If you are lifting often, putting stress on your body, the constant nourishment will aid in the repair and growth of your muscles.
Drinking plenty of water, keeping your muscles hydrated, will help increase the rate at which your muscle is repaired. The water also helps make you more vascular, or “veiny,” and will also serve to remove toxins from the body.
You must also fulfill your body’s requirement of various vitamins and minerals in order to build muscle. Often, even following a well-balanced diet will not suffice. A daily multi-vitamin supplement is a necessity.
Focus on Fitness
November 24, 2003