Baton Rouge Police arrested University junior Dane BryantPrescott Monday at 5 a.m. on charges of aggravated burglary andsexual battery.
BRPD Cpl. Don Kelly said Prescott, of 1943 South BrightsideView, Apt. D, is accused of entering the apartment through asliding door on South Brightside View and crawling into bed withtwo women, ages 20 and 21. He allegedly removed the bra of one girland reached his hand down the other girl’s panties. The girls weresleeping in the same bed.
Kelly said one of the girls woke up and Prescott ran out of theapartment.
But Kelly said Prescott dropped his car keys in the girls’bedroom, and a BRPD detective used the keyless entry remote to findPrescott’s car in a neighboring parking lot.
The detective ran Prescott’s license plate to identify him.
Kelly said one of the victims knew Prescott and told police hehad been a guest in the apartment a couple of months before.
The victim said he crawled into bed with her at that time aswell, but she did not report it to police, Kelly said.
Kelly said based on the information, police believe it is likelyPrescott has entered other apartments and has done the same thing.Kelly encouraged anyone that has experienced a similar situation tocontact police immediately at (225) 389-3824.
Prescott was booked in East Baton Rouge Parish Prison Monday. Helater was released on a $20,000 sign-out bond, which does notrequire the postage of any money as long as Prescott attends hisassigned court date.
BRPD arrest another ‘serial snuggler’ for sexual battery
November 3, 2004