It was a cultural bonanza at the Pete Maravich Assembly Centeron Sunday afternoon when the Union Program Council’sInternational Committee hosted the 34th annual InternationalExpo.
More than 20 countries, including the United States, wererepresented at the Expo with booths featuring pictures, along withtraditional items, clothing and food to represent the country.
Every booth passed out flyers with different facts about itscountry.
Both internationals and Americans from the Baton Rouge communityattended the event.
Beatriz Giraldo, an oceanography and ocean science graduatestudent from Colombia, said the Colombia exhibit was new to theExpo this year.
“We wanted to show people pictures of the different citiesin our country, to show people a better view of Columbia,”Giraldo said.
The booth was giving away authentic Columbian coffee, andfeatured pictures of the country, orchids and Columbian flour. Theexhibitors also wore typical Columbian attire.
Giraldo said she was excited about letting people know about hernative country.
“I love letting other people taste our coffee,”Giraldo said. “It’s the best in the world.”
One of the largest exhibits at the Expo was from Turkey. Itfeatured a display of a traditional Turkish living room withembroidered sofa cushions on the ground, a book stand called a”rahle” and a “nargile” used for smokingcigarettes. Everyone was invited to sit on the sofa and takepictures with the items in the exhibit.
The Expo introduced people to a few new countries in the worldincluding Mauritius, a small island located in the IndianOcean.
Gael Souci, a civil engineering sophomore from Mauritius, saidthis is the first year his home was included in the Expo.
Souci said many people asked him about the island because theyhad never heard of it before.
“I’ve had a lot of people tell me that it looks likea place they want to visit for vacation,” Souci said.
The Hong Kong display included swans and umbrellas made oforigami, along with beautiful pictures and traditional decorationsof the city.
Michelle Tai, a chemical engineering sophomore, said many peoplewere interested in learning about the city because Jackie Chan is anative of Hong Kong.
The booth representing the People’s Republic of Chinashowed off Chinese calligraphy writing tools, different Chinesedecorations and a box of 56 small figures representing thedifferent ethnic backgrounds of the people in China.
“Something we wanted to show this year is the Chinesecolor red because it symbolizes happiness,” said XiaolanWang, a mass communication graduate student and president of theChinese Students and Scholars Association.
Along with pictures and maps of their country, the Taiwan boothfeatured handmade toys for children. Both children and adults wererunning around the PMAC kicking a Taiwan version of a hackie sackcovered in feathers.
A country familiar to many was also represented at the Expo— the United States.
Omar Parbhoo, a computer engineering senior, said theorganization Rotaract came up with the idea to have the UnitedStates represented at the Expo four years ago.
“It’s good to have us represented here,”Parbhoo said. “The Expo is representing all countries, sowith the United States included it gives the event a sense ofcompletion.”
Maureen Hewitt, manager of the International Cultural Center,said the International Expo is a fun way for people to learn aboutdifferent countries and cultures.
Hewitt said International students are very enthusiastic aboutshowing other people what their country is all about.
David Schweinefus, a student at Christian Life Academy in BatonRouge, said he enjoyed coming to the Expo because it was”cool.”
“Everybody got along really well,” Schweinefus said.”And there’s no sign of racism, so that’s reallygood.”
Anne Boerner, a first time visitor to the Expo and a Baton Rougeresident, said the cultural singing and dancing was the highlightof the event.
“I learned so much about different cultures,”Boerner said. “It makes me want to win the lottery and travelall over the world.”
International Expo hosts many new countries
November 8, 2004