The Union board discussed plans to revamp the Union at aWednesday afternoon meeting.
Renovations that will more than double the current size of theUnion are set to begin in 2006.
According to their Web site, the Union renovations will includean additional 50,000 square feet and renovations to approximatelytwo-thirds of the existing building.
Union Director Shirley Plakidas said student fees are fundingthe renovations.
In the 2003 Student Government elections, students approved a$60 fee increase for Union renovations, Plakidas said.
“They agreed to a $10 increase every semester until we reach the$60,” Plakidas said.
Larry Payne, project manager at WTW Architects, which ishandling the renovations, said their main concern for the firstfloor is to increase the transparency of the building. They wantpeople to be able to see all of the building from one end to theother.
Payne said the Union also is planning to add more food venuesand post offices boxes. In addition, Payne said they plan on movingthe copy center and frame shop down from the third floor to thefirst floor.
Renovation plans include two new entrances to the second floorfrom the outside, Payne said.
In addition to the entrances from the outside, they will add newaccess to the Royal Ballroom, but do relatively little work to theroom itself, Payne said.
He said the Tiger Lair will be reconfigured to allow service tobe more convenient and less congested during lunch hours. The TigerLair also has plans for extended seating, Payne said.
Payne also said the Union will add a grand staircase and two newlounge areas for students, similar to the ones already there.
The third floor of the Union will include a new studentorganization suite with a new workspace and storage compartments,Payne said.
In addition to the various renovations, the Union is planning toadd a fourth floor to the building that will include a lounge forstudents and additional meeting rooms.
Doug Shuck from WTW Architects said one of his main interests inthe renovations is to make the building more accessible tostudents.
“The building should be renovated so that students will be ableto pass through the building and grab a cup of coffee when walkingfrom their dorms to the Quad,” Shuck said.
Shuck said even with all of the renovations, the Union willstill have about 80 parking spaces in the pay lot.
Plakidas said the renovations are scheduled to be completed in2008.
New access, expansion planned
September 22, 2004