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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




For Thinkers Only: Romney switches sides on student loan interest rate to pander to young voters

By Matthew Westfall
May 1, 2012

Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up on education? On April 23, alongside charismatic Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Romney took a grand pivot toward the center on the federally subsidized student loan...

The C-Section: Use of Lil’ Boosie lyrics in court unfair, sets bad precedent

By Chris Grillot
May 1, 2012

Editor's note: This column contains explicit language. Lil' Boosie is out chea! But he's not out gang-banging with guns on West Garfield Street with his crew as depicted in his music video for "We Out...

Manufacturing Discontent: America should embrace this May Day to seek change in rights

By David Scheuermann
April 30, 2012

You've gone soft, America. Almost 240 years ago, you declared independence for yourself and booted a tyrannical government from your land. These days, a great American political movement most likely refers...

Blue-eyed Devil: Church leaders need a middle ground on gay debate

By Nicholas Pierce
April 30, 2012

This past weekend, the United Methodist Church held its annual bishops conference in Tampa, Fla. The topics up for debate were the ordination of homosexual clergy and whether or not the church would endorse...


Scum of the Girth: Women deserve equal pay for the same job

By Parker Cramer
April 30, 2012

Imagine for a moment you're a woman. For some of you, this will be easier than for others. From this point on, the government and religious institutions will claim to have broader control of your body,...


Never Empty Thoughts: Trayvon Martin case brings back memories of Rodney King

By Marie-Therese Yokum
April 29, 2012

In the last 20 years, technology and opportunity have evolved, but can we say race relations and racial profiling have done the same? Sunday marked two decades since the Los Angeles riots, which arose...

Our View: Lombardi’s termination a byproduct of poor leadership, nasty bureaucracy

By The Daily Reveille Editorial Board
April 29, 2012

Call it a coup d'etat, call it a mutiny, call it an overthrow. That's what LSU System President John Lombardi, who is known for his harsh bluntness, would have called it - until it happened to him on Friday....

Shockingly Simple: Texas’ rewriting of history shows ignorance, misguidance

By Andrew Shockey
April 29, 2012

The underhanded and politically motivated actions of the Texas Board of Education are gaining national exposure - again - following the release of a new documentary. "The


Never Empty Thoughts: Alcohol Awareness Month largely ignored by students

By Marie-Therese Yokum
April 26, 2012

If persuading people not to drive after drinking was as easy as making everyone wear drunk goggles for a few minutes, the former wouldn't be one of the top killers of young adults in America. April marks...

Shockingly Simple: Moderate drinking offers diverse risks and benefits

By Andrew Shockey
April 26, 2012

As Alcohol Awareness Month is wrapping up, it's worth recognizing the benefits alcohol can offer other than a good time. Though excessive or binge drinking is unequivocally bad for your health, moderate...


Share the Wealth: Requiring photo ID to vote demolishes democracy

By Jay Meyers
April 26, 2012

Republicans have made clear their thoughts on President Barack Obama being reelected for another four-year term. When asked to describe what is at stake in the 2012 presidential election, Speaker of the...


For Thinkers Only: It feeds stereotypes of the poor as drug users

By Matthew Westfall
April 25, 2012

Wait, you're poor? If so, you definitely do drugs. It's a fact. Unfortunately, that's the kind of senseless thought process being propagated by legislators and proponents of mandatory drug-testing for...