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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



To the Point: Say goodbye to deep-fried fat cakes and greasy pizza

By Austin Casey
June 27, 2011

Enjoy the fatty greasiness and sugary sweetness of all your favorite foods now because by 2016 they will only provide a "meaningful contribution to a healthful diet." After President Obama signed a bill...

Letter to the Editor: Proposed Medical Center unnecessary expense

June 27, 2011

Editor's note: This letter is in response to Austin Casey's June 22 column about the proposed University Medical Center. Mr. Casey, I agree that New Orleans needs a teaching hospital system, and we need...

Press X to Not Die: TigerMail changes could be inconvenient to some students

By Adam Arinder
June 27, 2011

Back in a strange and mysterious time known as 2009, a young and naïve columnist wrote a column discussing how Google and Microsoft were fighting to earn the love of universities around the country...

Scum of the Girth: Justin Bieber could be answer to American financial woes

By Parker Cramer
June 27, 2011

Justin Bieber has become a household name since the little guy was discovered by Usher a few years back. Since then he's been driving the majority of Americans crazy with his repetitive lyrics and female...

Scum of the Girth: Arresting Mexican cartel leaders won’t solve the bigger issue

By Parker Cramer
June 23, 2011

This week, news outlets around the world reported the arrest of alleged La Familia cartel boss Jose de Jesus Mendez Vargas. Mexico's President Felipe Calderon believes Vargas's capture will be a great...

The Bottom Line: Internet providers will soon make data downloads the new gas

By Devin Graham
June 23, 2011

Because of uncertainty with our current social and economic situation, oil prices have been rising steadily, which we're seeing at the gas pump. But gas isn't the only cost we'll be paying for in the near...

View from Another School: FDA’s war against cigarettes has gone too far this time

By James Corley
Oklahoma Daily
June 22, 2011

NORMAN, Okla. (UWIRE) — Let me just get this out there: I'm a smoker. Many of my closest friends are smokers. Many more of my closest friends enjoy a casual cigarette from time to time. There. Now...

To the Point: LSU’s University Medical Center plan brings jobs, money

By Austin Casey
June 22, 2011

New Orleans has the potential to be an economic powerhouse in the South starting in 2015 with LSU's proposal for a brand new academic medical center, called University Medical Center. The UMC would not...

No group tickets, no problem

By Staff Editorial
June 21, 2011

  Despite the fact that the group system has been abolished, more tickets will be will allocated for men's football and basketball games. With the new system, 10,000 seats will be available for...

Letter to the Editor: Big government not the answer in health care debate

June 20, 2011

In Thursday's edition of The Daily Reveille, columnist Parker Cramer delivered a respectable — albeit factually misguided — moral argument in favor of expanding our government's role in the...