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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



To the Point: Affirmative action ruling wrong

By Austin Casey
July 13, 2011

Once again federal judges have promoted activist causes rather than the law and the preservation of our political structure of government. On July 1 a federal appeals court struck down Michigan's Proposal...

Scum of the Girth: Cutting off manhood never a good solution

By Parker Cramer
July 13, 2011

Last week in a quiet Los Angeles suburb, a man lost his penis. The alleged perpetrator, Catherine Becker, 48, of Cal., is accused of drugging her estranged husband's dinner, tying him to the bed and cutting...

Spanish and Italian debt woes could be trouble for US

By Devin Graham
July 11, 2011

Like a stack of debt-laden dominoes in a Rube Goldberg machine, European countries have been failing in the wake of the late 2000s economic recession. Recently, Italy and Spain announced their dirty debt...

Scum of the Girth: Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC no longer a laughing matter

By Parker Cramer
July 11, 2011

Stephen Colbert has made headlines in recent weeks for his creation of the Colbert Super Political Action Committee, or the Colbert Super PAC for short. For those of you who don't know, a political action...

Bachmann’s repeal of minimum wage will not fix economy

By Devin Graham
July 6, 2011

Michele Bachmann, Minnesota candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, has some controversial ideas about how to fix our economy, including a reconsideration or removal of the U.S. minimum...

Spying on doctors is the latest in the Obamacare scheme

By Austin Casey
July 5, 2011

Because the Obama administration doesn't know what else is left to throw money at, it proposed spending almost $350,000 to identify a problem already obvious to everyone else. According to The New York...

View from Another School: Mike Velez The OracStudy: Drinking coffee could protect against Alzheimers

By Mike Velez
The Oracle
July 5, 2011

TAMPA, Fla. (UWIRE) — Making multiple trips to the coffee pot may improve health, according to University of South Florida researchers, who say an unknown compound in the beverage may protect against...

Condoms the only answer to the world’s growing problem

By Parker Cramer
July 5, 2011

Recently, scientists announced that by 2050, the world's population will be approaching 9 billion people. The majority of the population growth is expected to be in Third World areas such as Africa and...

Scum of the Girth: Worldwide overspending a dangerous trend, global concern

By Parker Cramer
June 28, 2011

The recession, the depression, the falling economy — it has many names that all seem to mean one thing: Everyone is becoming poorer. Not just people mind you, but entire nations, regions and currencies....

The Bottom Line: College education predicted to be next ‘bubble’ to burst

By Devin Graham
June 28, 2011

College education used to be the obvious choice for those with the means — complete college and the world will fit squarely into your hands. You will make more money, quickly move up the corporate...

To The Point: NLRB exceeds authority in assault on Boeing Company

By Austin Casey
June 28, 2011

Like most federal agencies, the National Labor Relations Board has grossly expanded its authority to address labor issues outside of its original, legitimate jurisdiction. When the NLRB was created in...