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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Spying on sex scandals

By Thomas Adams, Staff Columnist
June 20, 2011

Recently the press has been on a rampage covering public figure sex scandals. From Anthony Weiner to John Edwards, political figures have been the center of national attention -- and we just can't get...

Press X to not Die: New copyright law could land YouTube users in prison

By Adam Arinder
June 20, 2011

Back in the marvelous month of March, a bright and young star was born. I'm not talking about a new star millions of light-years away in our universe — I'm talking about right here on YouTube. Rebecca...

Letter to the Editor: Big government not the answer in health care debate

June 20, 2011

In Thursday's edition of The Daily Reveille, columnist Parker Cramer delivered a respectable — albeit factually misguided — moral argument in favor of expanding our government's role in the...

Scum of the Girth: What we can all learn from Raymond K. Hessel, “Fight Club”

By Parker Cramer
June 20, 2011

"Raymond, you are going to die." Don't worry though, Raymond isn't real. Raymond K. Hessel is a character from the movie "Fight Club," starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. For those of you who aren't...

Abort this law

By Josh Lucas, Staff Columnist
June 19, 2011

A bill was passed June 15 in the North Carolina Senate that aims to drastically alter abortion procedures in North Carolina. Its constituents have dubbed the bill the "Women's Right to Know Act" and its...

The Bottom Line: Bitcoins digital currency unstable, still a high-risk venture

By Devin Graham
June 16, 2011

In 2009, the world's first decentralized currency began circulation. But this currency isn't printed, it's digital. They're called Bitcoins, and for many, they're the wave of the future. Milton Friedman,...

View From Another School: Harvard students lobby for university financial release

By Mercer R. Cook
Harvard Crimson
June 16, 2011

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (U-WIRE) — A group of Harvard students and employees — in addition to a state senator and representative — testified Friday in front of a State House committee in...

To The Point: Michele Bachmann dominates, Tim Pawlenty chickens out

By Austin Casey
June 16, 2011

The Republican presidential debate on CNN on Monday night surprisingly boasted truly conservative candidates. Rep. Michele Bachmann proved she was a serious contender. All of her responses were carefully...

Scum Of The Girth: Affordable health care should be government’s priority

By Parker Cramer
June 16, 2011

Despite all the luxuries that come with living in America, there are still many issues we have yet to properly address.   One of those issues is health care. In recent months we've begun to scratch...

View from Another School: National Election Day would increase voter participation

NEW YORK CITY (U-WIRE) — Regardless of who wins next year's presidential election, the majority of Americans eligible to vote will not vote for the winning candidate. Given the intensity of public...

To the Point: Hey Michelle Obama, can you teach me how to Dougie

By Austin Casey
June 14, 2011

When Barack Obama ran for president of the United States, his wife Michelle Obama admitted she was really proud of her country "for the first time in [her] adult lifetime." For the first time, she didn't...