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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Campus-Resident Alien: White supremacy more alive than we think in United States

By Marcelo Vieira
September 26, 2010

Maybe the polemic fascination for the subject of white supremacists and extremists comes from my South American background. We had no such thing in our history, or at least nothing so strongly rooted in...

Letter to the Editor: Rally for higher education in Baton Rouge

September 26, 2010

  I write in solidarity from the University of New Orleans where I am a professor.  Like LSU, we at UNO have experienced significant budget cuts that have led to layoffs, increased tuition, larger...

The Bottom Line: Marijuana legalization would save California economy

By Devin Graham
September 25, 2010

There are pivotal tipping points in which countries must make important decisions — decisions that will drastically affect the their future. This will be one of those situations. For decades, a growing...

Failure of Diplomacy: Give the death penalty the chair: dying isn’t suffering enough

By Zachary Davis
September 25, 2010

This past Thursday marked the first time a woman was put to death in the United States in five years. A decade after successfully plotting the death of her husband and stepson, Teresa Lewis finally received...

Letter to the Editor: LSU fans must stop booing own players

September 25, 2010

Dear LSU students, faculty, parents and fans, listen up. Or should I say read up.   No matter what our differences are, we all have one thing in common. We all come together on Saturday nights in...

Letter to the Editor: 9/23/10

September 22, 2010

"I really loved the class I took with you." "I wish I could have taken more classes in your department, but I didn't have enough room in my schedule for them." "Taking your class opened my eyes to things...

Our View: Family, friends, football are all that matter on Saturdays in BR

September 22, 2010

It seems like there aren't a lot of things to celebrate at the University these days. With impending budget cuts threatening the academic sanctity of this institution, the outlook feels bleak. Professors...

The C-Section: Riverside Towing’s shady business operation uncovered

By Chris Grillot
September 22, 2010

"Riverside stole my car," was the statement Andrew Fuselier, civil engineering sophomore, woke me with early one Friday morning. "Can you bring me to get my truck?" Unfortunately for me, I had to make...

Eat Less, Learn More: Concentrations of American engineering students is troubling

By Matt Lousteau
September 22, 2010

With less than a third of the graduate students in the College of Engineering being American, the college and the University need to encourage more American engineering students to attend graduate school. Only...

Letter to the editor: Parents should know the value of kids’ education

September 22, 2010

When most families purchase a house, an automobile or some other expensive item, they are usually very cautious. They try to get the very best value for their money. When it comes to selecting a university,...

Sportsman’s Paradise Lost: Tea Party takes hold in Louisiana, but not for long

By Cody Worsham
September 22, 2010

As diverse and scrambled as our cultural, social and economic beliefs are, Louisiana's residents have common links that unite all. Cajun cooking, beer and all things outdoors bring Louisianians together...

Shockingly Simple: AquAdvantage: You can barely taste the genetic engineering

By Andrew Shockey
September 22, 2010

The Food and Drug Administration is currently reviewing the first genetically modified animal to be sold for human consumption, AquAdvantage Atlantic salmon. Opponents of the new breed decry it as a "Frankenfish,"...