I only really started reading comics in the last year or so. As a freshman in high school, I picked up a copy of “Watchmen” and absolutely fell in love with it, but nothing really changed in regards to me reading anything else that the industry had to offer.
Flash forward a few years. About two or so years had passed since with my first encounter with “Watchmen.” I finally got enough money to afford an iPod, and one of the two apps that I checked out were DC and Marvel’s digital comic readers. Since I was broke, I naturally gravitated toward the free issues that the apps provided and that more or less set the tone of how I felt about the two companies.
I can remember from those free issues not being impressed with what Marvel had to offer. I was never a big X-Men fan. I have yet to see an X-Men movie or read anything with those characters outside of “Avengers vs. X-Men” which I’ve only recently bought and am still reading. Those few free issues from Marvel weren’t anything I exactly remember, so I eventually deleted the app. I knew I wasn’t going to buy anything from it and I didn’t want these teasers aggravating me.
DC was a different story. Those free issues were fantastic. DC made the smart business move by making the first issues in some of their iconic crossover events for free. I can remember downloading each issue and reading them in awe. This was my first exposure to some of DC’s classics like “Crisis on Infinite Earths,” “Identity Crisis” and “52.” Despite the positive experience from DC, I eventually deleted the app.
For the longest time, I forgot all about my experiences with both apps and still only stuck to reading “Watchmen” when I wanted something worth reading. That changed early last year.
I can remember being excited when DC announced “Before Watchmen.” Here was an opportunity for me to finally return to that world and rediscover the classic characters again. Little did I realize that what started as a plan to buy everything in a series would elevate into something else. I re-downloaded DC’s comic reader app and with it I re-downloaded all those number ones for the crossover events DC had for free. Then it started. I bought “Crisis on Infinite Earths” and that elevated into something more. From there I read more of DC’s crossovers and stuck with that.
I took a gamble in May and bought “Earth 2 #1.” It was the first issue I ever bought and it completely opened the door for more. I only read that title in addition to the “Before Watchmen” stuff for a while, but everything elevated and I started buying more hardcover and paperback collections of issues from DC’s “The New 52.” Now I read most of the series I bought the collections for monthly and with a wide variety of series. My favorites are some of the Bat Family books like Batman, Nightwing and Batgirl, but I love what’s going on with Aquaman, Wonder Woman, the Justice League and some more of the out there concepts.
But I didn’t just stick to DC. When Marvel announced “Marvel NOW!,” I didn’t do anything. It just happened and I may have raised an eyebrow at the announcement. To say the least, that changed too. I took a different approach with Marvel. I only wanted to read titles related in The Avengers and I still keep up with that. I honestly don’t plan on reading any X-Men titles. I’ve never really been interested in any of the characters, so I’m sticking with reading what I like best.
Well I plan on using this blog for a bunch of different things. I have every intention of sharing the books I buy weekly with you guys and my impressions. Reviews may be a bit cliché, but it’s definitely something that gets people talking. But reviews aren’t the only thing I want to write. I might put up some news that pops up in the industry and some other stuff, but I think overall I think reactions are the key to this too. I’d love to hear questions from my readers and maybe I’ll even answer some of them here. But overall, stay tuned. I’ll definitely start putting up reviews, and I had every intention of getting some in this, but this post got a little long.