Five months after the release of his highly acclaimed third album “Old,” rapper Danny Brown has gotten some backlash from the Deep South. The uproar is not due so much to the bigoted views of most rural Alabamans and Georgians, but from the confusion stirred up by one “Old” track in particular.
Many so-called country folk have misunderstood the song “Dip” as an anthem to chewing tobacco. In reality, the song is an ode to the popular drug MDMA, a.k.a. “Molly.” The term “dip” is slang for the drug’s consumption.
“I went out and bought myself a water bottle, just like Danny says,” said Poultry Gynecology junior Cletus Folsom. “I mean, where else would I spit?”
Following a spike in sales, tobacco company Skoal has reportedly been in talks with Brown discussing the possibility of a marketing deal for the new tobacco flavor “Blueberry Pills and Cocaine.”
Along with the tobacco debacle, Tostitos party dips skyrocketed with the song’s popularity. Mothers loaded up on the cheesy condiment and proceeded to host countless trailer-warming parties for their abundant kin.
Georgia homemaker Audrey-Anne Cornhawler commented, “My mama ‘n’ me went out to Wally-World and heard this here song by that Danny Brown boy and thought, ‘He must love him some Tostitos.’”
Rapper Tyga was relieved, saying, “Thanks to Danny, I finally found the molly I was looking for.”
Despite Brown’s popularity as a performer, the song’s content has been criticized by many anti-drug organizations like D.A.R.E. Surgeon General Boris Lushniak expressed his disappointment in the rapper’s standards saying, “Mr. Brown’s attitude toward drugs and alcohol is questionable when considering his presence among America’s young adults.”
The “Dip” ordeal has resulted in both negative and positive consequences, bringing publicity to Brown and the Fool’s Gold record label. Donald Trump has jumped on the bandwagon, reportedly putting up a rental bid for the gap between the rapper’s front teeth.
Brown called for a movement of education saying, “I think all these [expletive] people need to read up on that [expletive] molly. If they wanna [expletive] roll, do some research, [expletive].”
April Fools’: Rednecks misinterpret Danny Brown
March 31, 2014
Danny Brown raps a song from his new album during Buku Music + Art Project on Saturday, March 22, 2014 at Mardi Gras World in New Orleans.
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