William Guffey’s favorite kind of milk is chocolate milk.
One day in the dining hall, the chemical engineering sophomore posed for a picture where in one hand, he clasped a quart of chocolate milk. In the other hand was a cup of chocolate milk, his eyes closed in passion as he took a swig of milk from the cup.
“It’s the sweet; it’s the savory,” Guffey said. “It’s the exquisite. You can’t get better than chocolate. It is the crème de la crème.”
Proud of his milk-drinking hobby, he sent the picture to a five-month-old Instagram account called “lsumilkdrinkers.” It currently has 746 followers and posts pictures of different LSU students drinking milk.
Guffey checked the account fervently every day and was pleased to see his picture was posted on April 3 with the caption “choccy choccy choccy.” The post sits at 45 likes.
He loves seeing the new posts on the lsumilkdrinkers account. Despite the joy it gives him, he has a bone to pick with the account. It used to be “lacto-phobic,” he said.
“They started out as a milk-hating platform,” Guffey said. “Every post would be like ‘Ew. They’re drinking milk. Throwing up emoji. Disgusting. Gross,’ and they’ve transformed since into a milk — I wouldn’t say supporting, but they just post it for fun and clout.”
Sports administration sophomore Joey Gardner’s favorite milk is whole milk. When Gardner was featured on the Instagram account, his picture showed him holding up a quart of rotten, whole milk. When Gardner first bought the milk, he drank half of it and forget about the rest as it sat in the fridge collecting mold.
“I was like, ‘alright. This is my new science experiment. We’re just gonna let this just grow as much as they can, and then we’ll smell at the end of the year.'”
Other food items Gardner included in his “science experiment” were a peach and a plum from welcome week as well as hard-boiled eggs. He had a whole shelf in his mini-fridge dedicated to his specimens.
After collecting his data, Gardner delivered his scientific conclusion:
“Milk is good for you,” Gardner said. “Calcium is good for you. All the vitamins milk has — they’re all good for you, so keep drinking milk.”
Political science and psychology sophomore John Michael Sweat’s favorite milk is almond milk. Sweat’s featured picture shows him guzzling a cup full of milk in the dining hall. His friend took the picture and sent it to the Instagram account without telling him.
Sweat was also featured on an Instagram account with 13.5 thousand followers called “lsuchicks,” a comedy account that posts LSU-related memes. In the post, he was recorded eating a crawfish, still with the shell on.
“I didn’t know you were also the guy that ate the crawfish whole,” said the lsumilkdrinkers account in their own comment section of Sweat’s picture. “Is there any day you aren’t disgusting?”
Sweat commented back saying, “The crawfish wasn’t that bad. I eat bagged tuna every day for protein though, and that’s not the best so I guess the answer is no.”
Biology sophomore Madison Kimble’s favorite milk is 2% milk. She said it’s “100%” her favorite milk. She is featured on three of the account’s posts. Her favorite of the three is a picture of her and her friend facing each other and kneeling, both simultaneously drinking milk. It’s her “claim to fame,” she said.
Kimble’s friend is the first person featured on the account. Since seeing the post, Kimble has been a follower from the beginning and has enjoyed seeing the account grow as the school year went on.
Kimble has a cognitive list of her favorite to least favorite kinds of milk.
“I’m not a fan of almond milk,” Kimble said. “I think 2% is like top tier, and then 1%, and then the whole milk, and then like skim milk — definitely like at the bottom.”
Meet LSU’s ‘crème de la crème’: milk-drinkers, virtually platforming dairy beverages
By Maddie Scott
June 28, 2022
Mike’s statue is seen enjoying some whole milk, Thursday, June 23.