Spring break can bring crazy parties, foreign locations and mountains of homework. Before that sacred week, students take the time to make arrangements and prepare, and when it comes to preparations, N.C. State students are no rookies.
Diana Quetti, sophomore in communications and a University Recreation employee, has noticed a significant increase in gym-goers in the last few weeks.
“You start to see people who have never come in before,” Quetti said. “The crowds aren’t quite as big as right after the New Year, but there’s definitely a beach.”
Quetti herself hasn’t changed her exercise habits but is gearing up for the incoming fashion season instead.
“I’m not going anywhere for [spring] break, so I’ve got that extra money to update my wardrobe,” Quetti said.
Kendra Stowe, sophomore in communication media, is one such health-conscious student and finds that she makes alterations to her workout routine each spring.
“I try to work out every weekday for at least forty minutes,” she said. “I mix cardio and weights to make sure I reach my run.”
Friends and relationships can also influence one’s personal preparations. While a work out or shopping buddy is nice, it’s important to know your limitations. Diana Quetti knows a thing or two about the pressures that come from friendly nudges.
“It’s one thing to go to the gym to get into shape, but it’s another to push yourself too hard in a short amount of time because someone is standing over you the whole time,” Quetti said.
Stowe is also aware of the pressures but feels they can be positive.
“No one in particular has influenced my habits, but my roommate is extremely healthy and works out everyday,” Stowe said. “If I don’t feel like going or want to take the day off, she encourages me to