During a four-hour Student Senate meeting Wednesday night, heated debate took center stage in the election of a new speaker pro tempore. Following the Senate vote, Speaker Colorado Robertson announced Sen. Ben Clark, College of Basic Sciences, as the new speaker pro temp. Before voting began, the Senate nominated Clark and Sen. Brett Jackson, College of Arts and Sciences, to fill the position void following College of Arts and Sciences Sen. Jacqueline Delery’s resignation this past week. Each candidate delivered a speech presenting qualifications. Following the speeches, the floor was opened for debate of the candidates. Sen. Robert Ricci, College of Basic Sciences, pleaded with senators to elect Jackson to fill the position. “Can you imagine what The Reveille is going to write tomorrow if we elect [Sen. Clark]?” he told the Senate. “‘Senate elects new speaker pro temp who can’t speak.'” Sen. Matt McEntire, Finance Committee member, countered Ricci’s address to the Senate shortly after. “Quite frankly, neither of them have what I would call public speaking skills,” he said. “What we should be voting for is who will serve the students best and who has an endeavor to build relations with each of us.” Sen. Sabina Tungaraza, assistant director of finance, announced the Organization Relief Fund account remains $52,046.79 in the red. The steep debt accumulated following financial embezzlement by SG administration several years ago. Tungaraza said while the finance department is working on a repayment plan, funds continue to be withdrawn from the account. “We still give out money, it just limits how much we can give out,” she said. Student Government President Cassie Alsfeld said SG is in the process of hiring a new business manager to help maintain the funds and keep the finance department on track. Sen. Drew Davis, University College-Center for Freshman Year, presented a resolution to allocate $1,500 from the Senate contingency account to the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement to help defray the cost of printing the “L” Book to be distributed to all incoming freshman. SG Vice President Josh King reported the $5 free printing quota that went into effect Jan. 14 has been successful in the past few weeks. Funded by the Student Technology Fee, the quota credits a student’s Tiger Card with $5 of free printing. King said unused money on a student’s card by the end of the semester will fund future printing initiatives. Alsfeld updated senators with key issues presented during the campus safety meeting held Monday. Alsfeld addressed her constituents about criticism SG faces regarding the lack of communication between SG and students. Four senators officially tendered their resignation from SG because of commitment issues. Three senators from the University College-Center for Advising and Counseling resigned – Sen. Ryan Chenevert, Sen. Derek Killebrew and Sen. Jeremy Call. Sen. Sarah De Leo, College of Engineering, also offered her resignation.
The Senate passed a resolution brought by Sen. Andrew Palermo, chair for the Committee of Housing, Infrastructure and Technology and UCFY College, to create a temporary academic calendar review committee. Additionally, four new appointments were approved. Sen. Em Leblanc, College of Education, was appointed to serve as executive chief of staff. Tanesha Craig was appointed assitant director of Students’ Rights and Welfare and Parker Wishik was appointed to serve as director of Communications. The Senate appointed Sen. Tungaraza to serve as the new director of Finance. Further legislative orders to pass includ the appointment of Gabriella Arroyo to serve as legislative assistant. A legislative order to reappoint standing committees also passed.
—-Contact Natalie Messina at [email protected]
Clark replaces Delery as speaker pro temp of Senate
January 31, 2008