I’m not sure if anyone was watching, but there was a golf tournament this weekend that was pretty interesting.That statement was meant to be sarcastic. I’m pretty sure the only people who didn’t know there was a golf tournament were the poor souls who have been trapped on desert islands for the last few weeks and only know where the sun is.Last weekend’s tournament was such a big deal for one reason: Tiger Woods.Woods made his return to competitive golf play at the Masters tournament in Augusta, Ga. Woods’ return brought CBS its highest ratings for a Masters Tournament in nine years, according to CBS.He didn’t win but finished fourth after one of the most tumultuous layoffs in the history of layoffs.Tiger Woods was involved in a scandal that pretty much turned every woman against him. So I guess it is a good thing women don’t generally like golf, because this weekend things seemed back to normal.Woods was playing golf. The news was about something other than one of Tiger’s mistresses, a rumor about his downtime activities or a creepy commercial featuring the golden boy of golf flooding the airwaves.That’s what I wanted to see.I could care less about who claimed to be Tiger’s mistress. It wasn’t news to me unless it involved Woods’ golf swing. I’ve never met Mr. Woods, and as cold as it may sound, I only care about what he does on the golf course — which usually takes the form of birdies. He came back this weekend, and what I saw was a man who threw himself into his sport. He looked like the Tiger that had come to dominate golf. There was talk about his behavior being inappropriate, but that is how Tiger has always played. He wears his emotions on his sleeve. Because of how golf is covered, the world was unaware of this until a few years ago when Woods snapped at reporters and fans saying, “Haven’t you guys taken enough freaking pictures?” with malice like Lindsey Lohan’s distaste toward the paparazzi.Woods was not playing well — or as well as he thought he could have — and he became frustrated. This is what people who care about what they are doing do. These outbursts happen in every sport, and I for one am glad he was unhappy with his play. Tiger hit some bad some shots this weekend, which was understandable considering the rust he built up during the last five months.But all in all, I’m just glad he is playing again — so is any organization that has any financial investment in Woods. The ratings jumped up 39 percent from last year’s tournament, and Tiger’s sponsors can now reap the benefits of one of their most famous spokespeople doing what made him so famous.To the delight of many housewives, Phil Mickelson won the tournament, which was one of the most competitive I have seen in a while. Every time I checked the score it seemed that someone else had taken the leader’s spot. But the most captivating part remains the fact that the man who is now one of the most polarizing individuals in sports was on the course.Love him or hate him, Tiger is good for golf and good for sports in general. Amos Morale is a 22-year-old history senior from Houston. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_amosmorale3. —————Contact Amos Morale at [email protected]
Famous Amos: Tiger Woods’ return to professional golf is good for sports
April 12, 2010