DELORES HURST, Reveille Radio News Reporter:
The Beverage Store, a local vendor that has been open since 1992 has adopted to a new way of selling; through the Internet. The store recently created a website where customers can pre-order liquor. According to the Business Report, they are the first liquor store to do this. Many would think this would be illegal, but according to LSUPD Sergeant Blake Tabor it isn’t.
SGT. BLAKE TABOR (LSUPD): To my knowledge, there are no laws against selling any type of liquor online.
HURST: LSU student Ian Canon said.
IAN CANON (University student): Depending on the person, each law applies depending on the state you’re in or your principality or how old you are. Seems like something that will be difficult to pull off easy to break the law with.
HURST: According to Web Content Manager David Tolar, it is illegal to send alcohol through the mail so they limited the site to pre-order and delivery. Delivery is limited to those who want a large amount of alcohol and in that aspect; they act as a catering service. Canon said he can see this as a convenience.
CANON: Used by the correct people, I’m sure it can be absolutely fine.
HURST: Students like Rory Green and Destun Dupuy doesn’t see the point.
DESTUN DUPUY (University student): I don’t see the point in being able to buy booze online. You still have to show your id and all when you go pick it up. It doesn’t affect me because I’m not 21 yet.
RORY GREEN (University student): Essentially, I can’t really imagine for the most part ordering a six pack because usually this kind of thing in easily available.
HURST: The website shows over one thousand options of liquor and it also sale accessories and mixer. Tolar says the company believes this new business model will be successful and give customers more options.
I’m Delores Hurst with your Reveille Radio News.
First online liquor store in Baton Rouge
October 10, 2010