I appreciated Zachary Davis’ comments on the Ground Zero mosque and agree with his conclusion that freedom of religion includes Muslims. But I take issue with what he seemed to be inferring.Davis seemed to insinuate that al-Qaida attacked America for its freedoms. This is ridiculous. Osama bin Laden outlined the reasons for his attack in writing. It is accessible online. Here are some of the stated reasons:1) The U.S. supports Israel’s attempt to colonize Palestine and ethnically cleanse the natives (the Palestinians) from the land.2) The U.S. supported sanctions against Iraq that killed hundreds of thousands of children.3) The United States put troops in the Gulf countries, which most Gulf Arabs consider a breach of their sovereignty.What would we do if anyone attempted to do any of these things to us?Simple. We would respond with violence orders of a magnitude worse than anything al-Qaida could conjure.Though al-Qaida’s World Trade Center attack was obviously an unspeakable crime against humanity, their stated grievances were, and still are, legitimate. We don’t have to fabricate our own.David McLaughlinmedical physics graduate student—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letter to the Editor: Al-Qaida attack not motivated by freedoms
August 24, 2010
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