Tiger Stadium may not have gotten the purple turf LSU promised on April Fool’s Day, but the field has received a fresh face lift last week after Bayou Country Superfest.”After the concert, there were some areas in the field that didn’t quite make it,” said Ronnie Haliburton, assistant athletic director of facility services. “The festival production people agreed to replace a portion of the field for us.”Haliburton said a new type of grass was planted on the field.Instead of using bull’s eye bermuda grass, the field was lined with celebration grass. “It’s the same type of grass on the soccer and softball field,” Haliburton said. Bayou Country Superfest gave LSU an opportunity to redo the whole field.Haliburton said LSU and the production company from the concert agreed to hire a consultant to assess the grass before and after the concert.”We brought in a gentleman who has been doing this for about 17 years, working with venues across the country,” Haliburton said. “He came in and wrote up a standard procedure for us.”Haliburton said the damage from the concert wasn’t anything he didn’t expect.”It was exactly what we agreed to,” Haliburton said. “They paid for any damage that was done to the field from the concert. It was a mutual agreement.”The grass in Tiger Stadium is usually regrown at the end of every spring.”We just grow the old grass back in,” Haliburton said. “We don’t re-sod Tiger Stadium. It all grows back in.”–Contact Michael Lambert at [email protected]
Football: Tiger Stadium gets new turf after concert
June 17, 2010