Grade: B+
“Piranha 3D”, starring Jerry O’Connell, Christopher Lloyd and Adam Scott, is a raunchy, gory sex-fest. Showcasing more detached limbs than anything from “Saving Private Ryan” and more bare breasts than a Paris Hilton home movie, “Piranha” is an homage to the sleaziness of B-movies of the past. The movie swaps scares for hilariously outlandish violence. Want to see a man kill swarms of fish with a boat motor or a woman get sliced in half by a loose electrical cable? Look no further than “Piranha.” The movie doesn’t have much overall quality and unfortunately wasn’t nominated for any prestigious awards, but “Piranha” makes up for it with its pure entertainment value and gut-busting ridiculousness.
Contact Kevin Thibodeaux at [email protected]
“Piranha 3D”
October 26, 2011