I have Dr. Pepper in my lap, I am soaking wet, and I’m blaming it all on my roommates.
So I TiVoed “The Butterfly Effect” and watched it the other night. I mean, let’s get real, it’s no “When in Rome”, starring Mary-Kate and Ashley, but it was all right.
I started to think about the whole concept of cause and effect, and then I fell asleep.
But yesterday it hit me. For every action there is a reaction.
Anywho, I’m sitting at a restaurant I don’t want to be in and there are 32 ounces of Dr. Pepper in my lap – reaction.
How did I get here? Let’s recap.
Last night, my roommate’s car battery was dead and we jumped him off.
We went to the bar and came home to find my roommate’s parking spot taken by my other roommate’s friend, who tends to stay all night. So my roommate parked behind me because I don’t leave the house until at least noon.
I watched a “West Wing” marathon on Bravo and fell asleep.
This morning, my roommate comes into my room saying that his car will not start and that he is going to take yet another roommate’s car (he sleeps late like me, perhaps because he is my brother) and he would be back to bring us to school around 1:30 p.m.
My roommate does not return at 1:30 p.m., and my brother and I are stuck at our house with no transportation or food.
Food is important to the story because if we had food, we wouldn’t have had to walk across one of the busiest streets in Baton Rouge to eat at a restaurant that we both really didn’t like.
Feeling a little displaced, I decided to drink a Dr. Pepper. I quit drinking Dr. Pepper over a year ago, just to prove I could do it. This was my descent back into the grips of carbonation.
My brother fills his cup with Dr. Pepper as well and we sit at a booth.
Only, when I sit down and put my hand on the table, it leans towards me about seven degrees – spilling the two drinks into my lap.
That’s the reason I didn’t like that restaurant in the first place – it has wobbly tables.
And to the people in the table next to ours: you better be glad there wasn’t any Dr. Pepper left in our cups or I would have thrown the contents all over you for laughing.
Oh yeah, and I got hit by a red Toyota Corolla on the way back home.
Jay drinks RC Cola now. Contact him at [email protected]
October 14, 2005