We as youth get to observe firsthand some of the crazy trends and fads mankind has grasped then quickly discarded throughout the years. From acid washed jeans to thrift store T-shirts, our society is constantly finding themselves caught in the whirlwind of the latest crazes.
Although these trends are normally generated towards the fashion and even political world, I cannot help but wonder if fads can somehow formulate when it comes to relationships. Recently, I have observed that many individuals circulating the teen and early 20s age have begun to recognize with the sexual orientation known as bisexuality.
I must confess that being a heterosexual, naïve young female this orientation befuddles me. I understand that homosexuality like heterosexuality is a completely uncontrollable and natural orientation based on a hormonal balance, or some would view as imbalance, within a person. Therefore I cannot comprehend the idea of being attracted sexually and physically to members of both genders. I cannot help but consider the idea that bisexuality as an attention grabber fueled by the recent acceptance from the media.
Perhaps the most cliché but most recent example of the media’s acceptance of bisexuality is the intimate exchange between two highly followed pop icons on the MTV Video Music Awards. I will not harp on the exact details of this media-driven trade but I must say it has begun the domino effect in the widespread acceptance of bisexuality. To truly care about someone so much that you desire to express that love physically is an aspect about sexuality and relationships that has begun to fall on a downward slope.
One’s attraction to a particular sex is hormonal but if handled properly should be used as an intimate exchange between two individuals that emotionally care for one another.
Whether you use this attraction and intimacy toward those members of your own sex or opposite makes no difference to me, it is simply when these exchanges are used for the sole purpose of attention that I begin to wonder about the morality of sexuality in society. When one claims to be attracted sexually to both genders I find it systematically invalid. One’s sexuality is based upon the level of certain hormones you produce, whether testosterone or estrogen, and it is through the production of these hormones that your attraction toward a particular gender is fueled. Therefore I find it biologically impossible to be genuinely oriented toward both sexes. Perhaps it could be better defined as an addiction to sex or a low self-esteem.
A low self-esteem in the fact that you will perform such intimate acts publicly or claim this title of bisexuality in order to receive acceptance or attention of those around you … this level of esteem though can be in itself an entire column.
And maybe down the road I’ll find that all I believe can be disproved, it was truly the downslide of morality that should have been the concern not the need to participate in an attention grabbing media craze. If you are confused or ashamed of your orientation, experimenting is not the most beneficial way to come to a conclusion. There are always better ways to discover or accept your orientation.
The Morning After
September 25, 2003