Ours is a Democratic age. It is the closest thing we have in the United States to an established church. Any who dissents from such a view is regarded the same way Massachusetts Puritans viewed witches and will be hounded with the same illogical fury. Well, release the hounds.
H.L. Mencken was right when he called Democracy “The art of running the circus from the monkey cage.” What that means is that for the illusion of control, i.e. the vote, people are subjected to the whims of whatever slicked back liar manages to horn his way into office by glad handing the unwashed. It is nothing more than a system that preys on the minority of greats who run society by the majority of those who simply exist.
A note, before I go any further. The Democracy that I refer to is different from the Republic of the Founders. The old way was the way of a limited suffrage of reasonably educated men who, by extension of looking out for their own interests, looked out for the interests of all around them.
Granted, the system had its flaws (not a small one being the lack of fortitude of its defenders), but it also helped to make the United States one of the freest country’s in the history of the world. Now, what we have today is a government elected by every carbon copy of Homer Simpson and Suzie Soccer Mom. If you ever wonder our country can?t elect another Theodore Roosevelt or Grover Cleveland, let alone a Washington or Lincoln, you needn’t look much farther than those who pose as electors.
The United States, of course, is not alone in this democratic madness. Great Britain, which I’m sure a good deal of Americans believe is actually run by the Queen, has just seen plans for a bill being drawn up to boot out the last of the 92 Hereditary peers from their seats in the House of Lords.
A few years back Britain’s nobility signed their death warrant, as well as the death warrant for all that remained of old Britain (since replaced by Viceroy Tony Blair’s “Cool Britannia” of politically correct power grabs) when they agreed, in naïve good faith, that they would give up all but 92 of their seats in order for Blair to remodel the government according to his whims. Needless to say, if ever there was an example of Democratic ingratitude and duplicity, it is represented clearly in the person of the occupant of 10 Downing Street.
In fact, all over the Western World, nations are embracing Democracy by dismantling their borders, giving up their old ways, and worshipping before the great golden calf of egalitie, fraternity, and brotherhood. During my research, I found only three states that still cling to the old ways: Switzerland, the Vatican, and Liechtenstein (where just this year, much to the consternation of the demo-maniacs, voters gave their Prince even greater power), and there is pressure, always pressure, from the outside for them to change their evil, crusty, not very village like, ways.
A lot of you reading this are wondering if I’ve lost it. Why is someone who is such a critic of government and regulations supporting “oppressive” mean spirited regimes. Because, dear reader, I am a student of history and I know where democracy leads.
In his great opus, Democracy: The God that Failed, UNLV Economist Hans-Hermann Hoppe states his believe that democratic societies, as opposed to those of monarchies and the type of anarcho-capitalism he prefers, are actually more prejudicial to the rights of the citizen in regards to property, taxes, and individual freedoms. According to Hoppe, kings may make war, and may levee taxes on their subjects, but they do so for their own benefit (since, as owners of the kingdom, they stand to gain or lose depending on the outcome). Also, the monarch is going to do his best to pass on his kingdom to his eldest child, therefore, he has more of a duty than a “one night stand” politician who will grab all he can get at once, since there may not be a next time.
Still, don’t despair, o ye lovers of Democracy. You era looks to continue on. Just don’t look too far ahead, for another historian, Oswald Spengler, predicated many years ago that at the end of the democratic age we would be moving swiftly in to the age of the Caesars. For the plebeians tire of their responsibilities, and will gladly trade them to whoever promises them bread and circuses (or, perhaps some Natty Light and free football tickets). Yet, I’m left with one thought. Can anyone seriously tell me that the anointed George III was worse than the democratically elected George II?
Democracy is a sham
September 26, 2003