So this is it.
The last cuff of the year. The final thought. The last word.
And it’s all mine.
I’ve gotten many suggestions of what I should write about today; everything from shakin off the hata’s to a tribute to The Reveille’s outgoing managing editor.
Well, I don’t care about the haters, and sorry to tell you Kayla, but you’re just not funny – although you will be missed.
I thought about writing the cliché “good luck on Finals and have a happy holiday season,” but I figure that would just be disappointing.
Anywho, good luck on finals, and have a happy holiday season.
I expect to have a rather crappy holiday season.
You know, they say giving is better than receiving – maybe
But you know getting something every now and then wouldn’t be too bad either.
Maybe it’s because I’ve been a bad boy, maybe I’m on the naughty list, but really, throw me a bone every now and then.
Why do people have to go and ruin a perfectly good mood?
Really people, if I’m smiling just leave me alone.
I’m sorry if I’m rambling, but I tend to lean toward the incoherent side of speech when I’m angry, and right now I’m just plain angry.
Christmas time is supposed to be the time of good cheer and reconciliation, but instead it always seems to take on the poetic connotation of winter and end up more like a painful cold, season with smiling kids and jackass mall Santa’s just rubbing it in your face.
A word to the wise my dear readers – words are cheap.
You could spend hours throwing up a soliloquy comparable to Hamlet and still not come close to the type of clarity a single action might have.
So if you care about someone this holiday season show them.
If you appreciate them, don’t waste five minutes on an answering machine thanking them, just show them you appreciate them by doing something they’ll appreciate you for.
It’s like a big circle – did anyone learn anything from “The Lion King?”
I’m sorry if this installment of Off The Cuff has just been an incessant ramble about some vague topic, but if you take nothing from it, take this: Life is too short to not get what you want, so go out and get it.
And as for the spirit of Christmas, or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or whatever, keep it alive even if you have to fake it, because it’s the only time of the year people like me have the snow balls to tell everyone how we really feel.
So good luck on finals, Have a Merry Christmas, and have a happy F–ing new year
Off the Cuff
December 5, 2003

Off the Cuff