The University offers Student Technical, Application andResource Training, better known as START, to all Universitystudents. This program teaches students how to use numerouscomputer programs free of charge.
Melissa Brocato, technology manager for the Center for AcademicSuccess, said the program originally began in spring 2001 and hasgrown tremendously. She said more than 2,000 students completedvarious courses in the program throughout the 2003-2004 academicyear.
The START program offers various courses in Microsoft Office andInternet and Web Design, according to the program’s Web site. Someof these programs include Microsoft Access, Excel, Power Point andWord along with Internet and Web Design courses including Flash,Dreamweaver, Microsoft Frontpage and Photoshop.
Brocato said the program offers courses for each computerprogram at a beginning, intermediate and advanced level. Each levelconsists of one class meeting that lasts from one hour to 90minutes.
Courses only are offered to University students and require noregistration.
The Student Technology Fee approves and partially funds theprogram.
Classes are offered in the lab in B-26 Coates Hall and studentscan sign up for classes through the program’s Web site.
Karen Sirman, assistant director of the Technology SupportCenter said the classroom has between 12 and 14 computers andenrollment is based upon a “first come, first served basis.”
Brocato said the individuals who teach the classes actually areUniversity students. She said most of these students major incomputer science, graphic design, information systems and decisionsciences. She said prior to the students becoming instructors, theyundergo an intensive training program.
Sirman said Brocato actually trains the students on how to be aninstructor and then they receive a tour of the University’stechnology center and are familiarized with the technology itself.They also are provided with course materials which aid them inpreparing to teach their classes.
Brocato said upon completion of each individual course, studentsreceive a certificate of completion through their PAWS account. Shesaid many students take the computer classes as an extra creditopportunity for many courses including several ISDS courses. Thecertificate proves the students completed the specific class.
“We want to raise awareness for students about this programbecause many students do not know about this program which isoffered free of charge to LSU students,” Sirman said.
For a complete schedule of classes and to sign up for courses,students can log on to the program’s Web site,
START program offers free computer training
October 12, 2004