Over the past two years vending machines on campus have facednumerous changes just as the candy market itself.
According to Mark Kraner, director of Contracted AuxiliaryServices, two years ago a system called Tiger Express was in placeto offer students the opportunity to purchase items from vendingmachines without the use of cash. However, since then, theUniversity has implemented Tiger Cash to provide students similar,but more efficient options.
Kraner said approximately 50 percent of Coke machines on campusand 60 percent of snack machines offer Tiger Cash paymentoptions.
Unfortunately, some problems have occurred due to card swipes onmachines not working properly.
Kraner attributed these issues to wiring problems. He said hecurrently knows of only three Coke machines that are ‘off line’ andthus will not accept Tiger Cash. Thus, all other vending machineswith Tiger Cash payment options should properly accept cards.
However, some students still face problems with their cards notproperly working on the machines.
“Since the beginning of the semester, I have yet to find avending machine on campus that will accept my card. Though, my cardalways works properly at the Tiger Lair,” said Richard Hester, acommunication studies junior.
Hester said he has seen numerous people having trouble with themachines in Coates Hall.
In addition to the Tiger Cash difficulties, prices in the snackmachines also have increased.
Kraner said price increases are due to higher chocolate costs,rising gas prices and increased insurance costs. Because of thesefactors, Canteene, the company which services the vending machines,was forced to raise prices.
Inventory changes have occurred as well.
Kraner said healthier items, such as pretzels, have beenincorporated into the Rec Center’s vending machines to meetcustomer demand.
Kraner said decisions about what items to offer in variousmachines are made by himself and Canteene. Together they evaluatewhat items sell best in specific buildings and thus continue tooffer those items.
“Basically the items we offer are based on a demand issue,”Kraner said.
Vending machines receive changes
September 22, 2004