Austin 6 — a group of residents interested in improving thecity — is seeking signatures for a petition to inject new bloodinto Baton Rouge’s boards and commissions. And they want studenthelp.
If the group can collect 12,500 signatures by July 15, a termlimit amendment for East Baton Rouge board and commission memberswill be put on the Nov. 2 ballot.
The proposed amendment would make each appointee eligible toserve only two consecutive full terms or eight consecutive years onthe same board or commission.
The petition also would change every board term to last for fouryears. Currently the terms run from two to five years, depending onthe board.
The petition also says each board and commission would berequired to create a list of specific qualifications for eachappointed position to use as hiring reference.
Michael Trufant, co-founder of Austin 6, said Baton Rouge can dobetter and it starts with new ideas.
Trufant said they brought up the idea of term limits to theMetro Council in January after 17 incumbent members filled 20 openpositions.
Austin 6 addressed the council about putting the issue on theballot, but the Metro Council refused, Trufant said.
“The Metro Council feels the power [and] it wants to bestagnant,” Trufant said.
Trufant said they have two goals for the petition.
“One is to get term limits,” he said. “And to illustrate to theMetro Council that citizens want to participate and we intend to becounted.”
Pennie Landry, Austin 6 petition chairperson, said she hopesthat through the petition, the Metro Council will recognize it isan issue for the voters to decide, and put it on the ballot.
Landry did not have an accurate count of signatures before presstime, but said it was going well.
“I had a 93-year-old man who has been living here all his life,call me this morning and want to sign the petition,” Landrysaid.
She also said they are looking for volunteers, especiallystudents, to help walk neighborhoods and collect signatures.
Scott McKnight, who graduated from the University two years ago,is in charge of getting University students involved.
In the fall, McKnight said Austin 6 will start a studentorganization responsible for soliciting volunteers and informingstudents on issues, such as economic development, inclusion anddiversity, anti-litter campaigns and more.
Austin 6 Looking for Students
June 29, 2004