Jay Buller and Robert Lay
Jay BullerImpact LSU is a team of leaders dedicated to using Student Government to impact the campus community by addressing major concerns of the student body and university. We built this team by recruiting leaders who have distinguished themselves in many areas of campus. We will bring their success, achievement and dedication to the challenge of Student Government. Here are our goals.
Impact student safety with off-campus initiatives. We will create a directory of major apartment complexes near campus and list the safety features that these complexes offer. We will work to implement neighborhood watches in neighborhoods near campus.
Impact the University by creating a legislative taskforce.
We will track important state legislation concerning education and keep SG and the student body informed. We will publish records of key votes of legislators and conduct campaigns to register students to vote. We will lobby legislators concerning key votes and legislation.
Impact students by making SG a student advocate.
We will move the student body to impact the University’s decision making process. We will coordinate with student organizations to lobby the administration to address student concerns, such as moving the dorm move in date, protecting the current “W” date and last day to drop, and continuing student fee reform. We will oppose any unnecessary increases in tuition or required fees.
Impact student life by luring big name concerts to campus.
We will use current resources to lure big name acts to LSU. We will develop new ideas, such as new venues and sponsors to lure these acts.
The goals we have outlined are challenging yet achievable. They are well researched by our dedicated team. These ideas and we as your leaders will impact your life in ways that matter. Take a minute to vote today and IMPACT LSU.
Travis LeBlanc and J. Ben Edmonds
Travis LeBlancHello, this is Travis LeBlanc. My running mate, J. Ben Edmonds, and I are considerable underdogs in today’s election and would like your support.
We’re ordinary students. We’re not members of student government and aren’t high spending politicians. You’ve read our campaign slogan. “We won’t do much, and we’re honest about it.” We haven’t made any of the same worn-out, ridiculous campaign promises we hear from the LSU political regimes every year and don’t plan to start now. We didn’t spend thousands of dollars on this campaign in an attempt to buy our way in. We know students don’t like that. We also know that students don’t like to be promised something, only to have that promise never come true, because we don’t like that. These things have made the majority of students at LSU not care about student government, and it’s time we changed that by electing two guys who ran as independents and didn’t feel the need to get a big ticket.
I’m sure you’ve read about our idea of having an American flag in every classroom on campus. Most everyone thinks that it would be great, but there have been a few who dislike the idea. If tax-funded elementary, middle and high schools can do it, there is no reason a major tax-funded university cannot. To those teachers and students who have a problem with an American flag in their classrooms, it’s just as easy to leave as it was to come. I know I’d have no problem seeing another country’s flag in my classroom if I chose to attend school in that country.
Our mission was to run an honest campaign and to not say something just because it was the popular thing to say. Our mission was accomplished.
Thank you for the opportunity to run and thank you for your vote.
Allen Richey and Jason Wesley
Allen RicheyToday is Election Day, and it is obvious that throughout the day you will be bombarded by several groups of people trying to gain your support in the form of a vote. You have seen coverage of the election and will have more than ample opportunity to find out about the issues. Whom you vote for is an important decision as your vote determines what the make up and goals of Student Government will be for the next year. Please take the time to look at all push cards and compare all issues in making your decision.
That being said, here are some reasons why you should vote for EMPOWER LSU. We have the most experienced group as I have served in two different executive staffs, and Jason Wesley has served in the Senate for two years. This experience has led us to a balanced view of what should be offered in SG, in the form of an understanding that it is both a programming and policy agent for the Student Body.
Our administration will represent all areas of campus with vigor and enthusiasm. We have built a very inclusive team with EMPOWER; one that includes Greek students and non-Greek students, black, white and international students. All voices ,those in the mainstream and outside the mainstream, will be heard in our administration. Additionally, you will be able to give direct input through one of our proposed programs called Chats with the Chancellor, where student concerns will be addressed to the Chancellor directly, thus enabling the Student Body to have an active voice in the agenda of the University.
Come get a push card and look at our issues. Compare them to the other tickets. Please take a few minutes of your time today to vote, and please vote EMPOWER LSU.
Kyle Wilkinson and Danny Rockwell
Kyle WilkinsonToday you have the opportunity to elect students to represent your voice during the upcoming school year. The decision you need to make is whether or not you want the same “status quo” Student Government that we have every year or if you want something different. We are going to be something different. We are the leaders that will not overlook the voice of all students. We want to get down to the real student issues and implement plans and systems that will provide real results to revolutionize lives at LSU.
Our opponents have gone out of their way to attack the ideas of our team. But we, the student body, cannot be afraid of these changes or of a different SG. We assure you that our platform is challenging, but entirely feasible. Everything we plan to implement has been tested and has worked on college campuses and Fortune 500 companies across the nation. They will work at LSU. Too often, SG leaders give up on great ideas because they think it will be tough. Because others have tried in the past and failed, they will too. This is not the positive, proactive outlook the student body needs.
We need leaders to do things because they have never been done before, to take on great tasks, and tackle the big challenging issues. We need leaders that are ready to listen to the voice of students and will take action to resolve their concerns. We need leaders like the ones assembled on the Real Issues, Real Results Ticket. We have a truly diverse group of proven student leaders that have accomplished great things in their leadership roles all across campus. They are ready to put the same drive and energy into SG over the next year. Please support Wilkinson/Rockwell and get “Real Issues. Real Results” today!
Candidates speak out
April 2, 2003