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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



View from Another School: National Election Day would increase voter participation

NEW YORK CITY (U-WIRE) — Regardless of who wins next year's presidential election, the majority of Americans eligible to vote will not vote for the winning candidate. Given the intensity of public...

Press X to not Die: The Church of Steve Jobs: where iFanatics go to pray

By Adam Arinder
June 9, 2011

Peace be with you. And also with you. Life up your iHearts. We lift them up to the iLord, Steve Jobs. These days, it seems like owning an Apple product represents a status symbol. If any of your products...

Scum of the Girth: Wiener photo shouldn’t blow Weiner’s congressional career

By Parker Cramer
June 9, 2011

Yet again, camera phones have made history. No, I'm not talking about Blake Lively, though I did enjoy her photos more. This time the culprit was Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y. I assume you've all heard the...

The Bottom Line: Louisiana couldn’t pass civics test if Bible depended on it

By Devin Graham
June 9, 2011

Once again Louisiana is the laughing stock of civil rights education. Damon Fowler, a graduating senior at Bastrop High School, contacted Superintendent of Morehouse Parish Schools Tom Thrower and gave...

View from another school: Teach for America presents opportunites to better education

By Egu Ramnathan
The Daily Texan
June 9, 2011

AUSTIN, Texas (U-WIRE) — Entrance into the "real world" is daunting for anyone, especially for those without job prospects. With employment particularly difficult to come by, Teach For America presents...

View from Another School: How to save print journalism’s future – read the news

ORLANDO, Fl. (U-WIRE) — The word on the street is that print media is meeting a slow, painful death. With major newspapers such as The New York Times and The Washington Post laying off...

Press X to not die: Playstation Network finally restored, gets hacked again

By Adam Arinder
June 6, 2011

Sony, poor Sony.   It's been a rough past few months for the technological giant, and the company just can't seem to catch a break.   For those who haven't been following along (or are in need...

Scum of the girth: Declaring war on drugs is inadequate solution to complex problem

By Parker Cramer
June 6, 2011

Last week, the BBC reported the Global Commission on Drug Policy had issued a report stating the global war on drugs had "failed." The Commissions' report called for the legalization of certain drugs and...

Prioritize the Pack Promise

By Staff Editorial
June 6, 2011

The facts: A report by the Education Trust, a research and advocacy group, concluded that just five colleges in the entire country were doing a good job of serving low-income students. N.C. State was not...

Public trust in politicians plummets

By Anokhi Shah, Viewpoint Editor
June 6, 2011

It is no small wonder why voter turnout in federal elections ranges from a mere 36 to 63 percent when politicians such as John Edwards find their sketchy deeds exposed in the spotlight. Public trust in...

Teaching the legislature a lesson

By Trey Ferguson, Staff Columnist
June 6, 2011

Over the past few weeks, the North Carolina legislators have worked their versions of the N.C. 2011-2012 budget. This legislature moves for the phasing out of the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Scholarship...