Grade: B-
Hardcore bands are usually recognized for their unabashed sense of positivity or their vitriolic hatred of social norms. Comeback Kid is known for both, and the band’s newest album “Die Knowing” plays like an ode to both sides of the spectrum. Long build ups and impassioned, angry breakdowns are abound in most of the songs on the album but are tempered by catchy pop-punk hooks and melodic choruses more reminiscent of the Descendents than any of Comeback Kid’s modern peers. Lyrically, Comeback Kid turns anger into productive energy that promotes positivity and social change, though vocalist Andrew Neufeld is more aggressive about his ideals than he was on previous releases. While this album is refreshing for a hardcore release, it lacks in musical variety. It doesn’t push the envelope at all, but is a good album on its own merits.
Review: “Die Knowing” – Comeback Kid
By Panya Kroun
March 5, 2014