The New Orleans Hornets are known for basketball, but recently they’ve been playing a different kind of sport – the name game.
Ever since the New Orleans Saints owner Tom Benson bought the Hornets almost two weeks ago, rumors have swirled about what the team’s future holds – particularly when it comes to its moniker.
According to a story by the Associated Press, only three days after purchasing the Hornets for $338 million, Benson announced he’d begin taking suggestions from fans to pick out a new name for the team.
“We want to change the name from Hornets to something that means New Orleans and Louisiana,” Benson said.
Since then, Louisiana natives and faithful fans have taken to the Internet with suggestions and ideas to rebrand the team. John Worrel, head of marketing for Baton Rouge-based clothing company College District, said the company’s staff is working to get fans’ voices heard.
“All of us at College District are big sports fans,” he said. “I’m from New Orleans. Culture there is a very prideful team.”
Worrel said College District created a space on its website in hopes that fans submit design suggestions and bounce ideas off one another. He believes if the campaign garners enough attention, it will influence Benson’s decision.
Worrel said the staff originally came up with the name “New Orleans Bounce” but has since opened up the site to suggestions that range from “Pelicans” to “Brass” to “Hurricanes.”
He said he’s unsure of whether Benson will consider the suggestions, but it’s worth the effort.
“We want to be a part of it,” he said. “If you want to see change happen, you have to go out and make it
College District taking suggestions for Hornets’ name
April 26, 2012