Students can vote today on PAWS in the Student Government runoff elections. It is imperative for students to exercise their right to decide important SG positions and show their interest in University programs. It is equally important for the SG candidates and judicial system to let the results of this election stand.
In a campaign season peppered with disputes, potential disqualifications and multiple election code violation complaints, the disputes may finally draw to a conclusion with today’s vote. Whatever the outcome, SG officials should let the students’ voice stand in this final tally. The confusion of more complaints or hearings would only further cloud students’ already jaded perception of SG.
The voter turnout for the initial March 20 election was much higher than in the 2006 election. This should be seen as an improvement, but it was not as high as the 2005 turnout. Student participation hovers around 20 percent, and this is disheartening.
SG makes decisions on and implements important University programs every semester. It also controls a large part of student fees included in tuition.
The candidate chosen to lead SG for the 2007-2008 academic year will have the opportunity to make significant progress. Students have the important opportunity to decide which platform they most want to see implemented in this election and on which issues they would like our leaders to focus.
And SG has responsibilities of its own. It is important for the newly elected government to be accountable to the students who elect them. The executive candidates’ emphasis on SG transparency and student correspondence reveals their knowledge of a growing distrust in SG. Incoming government members have the opportunity to stop that perception if they stick to their campaign promises.
The online voting form can be found in the Student Services section of PAWS. Students must take advantage of this opportunity and participate in this important decision. If students don’t make the decision, the weight of their choices will only weaken, and their voice will fall on increasingly deaf ears.
—–Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Student input is essential in runoff
March 27, 2007