Ryan Heath is anxiously awaiting the opening of the University Student Recreational Complex gym after being forced to use the outdoor basketball courts for more than a year.”It’s harder to play outside because you’re battling the elements,” the business management junior said.Heath may soon shoot hoops indoors again — he and all other UREC users will have access to the gymnasium in fewer than two weeks, as the gym is on schedule for the Nov. 1 completion date.The gym roof is in the punch-list phase, and workers are finishing up work on the gym floor, applying sealant before marking it for basketball, said Michael Giles, associate director for operations and project management.”We haven’t had any problems or setbacks with the gym,” he said.Though the gym renovations are running on schedule, the UREC ran into difficulty replacing the entrance canopy damaged by Hurricane Gustav, Giles said. After removing the old canopy mid-September, workers had problems with the post tension systems, causing a delay and increased cost.Giles said he expects the new canopy to be installed by mid-November. The manufacturer will make the canopy off-site and deliver it to the UREC. It will take about two weeks to install, but it won’t impact people entering the building, he said.While the gym renovations are almost complete, UREC officials are about to start the next stage of renovations — the locker rooms. He said renovations will start Nov. 23, though the locker rooms will officially close Nov. 19.The locker room renovations include ripping out and replacing the old lockers — also damaged by Gustav — changing light fixtures and changing out shower and bathroom partitions, he said.During the renovations, Giles said the UREC will rent a portable shower trailer with eight individual showers for use from Nov. 30 through Dec. 17.The cost of the showers — $5,000 — is currently not covered by insurance, which covers the cost of the rest of the project, Giles said.”We’ll have to eat that cost out of our own operating budget,” he said. “We’re still discussing, trying to see if we can put it toward the insurance budget.”Jeff Campbell, UREC acting director, said the cost of renting of the showers will not affect other UREC services.”We want to do everything we can to provide continued service,” he said. “Providing shower facilities for a month is a necessity and the appropriate thing to do for our users.”Giles said UREC officials are still working out the details of storage space after closing the locker rooms. He said some areas are already available for storage — like the 14 storage cabinets in the workout area — and officials will most likely designate an area for additional storage.”We will recommend bringing as little as possible since we will not have a secure location, such as a locker with locks,” he said.Giles said UREC officials are discussing the possibility of making the three temporary outdoor basketball courts permanent.Jason Hughes, renewable natural resources research associate, said he prefers outdoor courts, and said he hopes the UREC will keep some courts outside.”It adds another element to the game — the wind plays into the shooting,” he said.Michael Chott, political science senior, said he hopes the UREC gets rid of the outdoor courts because they cause problems for tennis players.”At night, if you don’t call ahead to reserve a tennis court, you won’t get one,” he said. “It’d be nice if they open back up the three tennis courts.”
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Gym renovations expected to be complete by Nov. 1
October 20, 2009