With a career spanning more than two decades, Alan Dunn, new LSU baseball pitching coach, has had a month to settle into his role.
Dedicating most of his time to recruiting prospective players, Dunn said he is looking forward to coaching a college team.
Dunn moved to Baton Rouge from Huntsville, Ala., where he lived for 11 years with his wife and two children, acting as the pitching coordinator for the Baltimore Orioles.
Before working with the Orioles, Dunn was a major league bullpen coach from 2007 to 2010. He worked at various levels as a pitching coach for 15 years with the Chicago Cubs.
As a player, Dunn was drafted by the Detroit Tigers after completing his degree at the University of Alabama. He played minor league baseball with the Tigers, reaching the Double-A level before his career ended due to injuries. From there, Dunn began coaching.
Dunn coached for two years at Vanderbilt University before his career with the Cubs.
During his time at the University, Dunn he has come to understand the Baton Rouge passion for baseball.
“Everywhere I have been, every person I have talked to has made it very evident that the loyalty to the program and the expectations for the program are really high,” Dunn said. “I’ve heard nothing but great things about the fans and their knowledge of the game. That’s one of the things that has really jumped out at championships.”
Dunn said he would like to know LSU pitchers as players and as people.
“It’s important that … the pitchers know that when they go out on that mound, I’m going out there with them — mentally and emotionally,” Dunn said. “You have to have that bond, trust and respect to be able to get that athleticism out of them. I think that’s a huge part of what coaching is
Baseball: New pitching coach comes full circle at LSU
July 28, 2011
Alan Dunn, LSU baseball pitching coach, talks about the different aspects of his career in his Alex Box Stadium office Thursday.